Setting up Environment Variables

If this is an upgrade then it is likely that all the environment variables have been setup and you can skip this section.

You can set up various environment variables to make running any of the Robelle products easier. The four variables that we recommend setting for Suprtool are: SHLIB_PATH, ROBELLE, PATH, MANPATH, and NLROOTDIR.


The easiest way to add variables accessible to all users is to set the variables in the global exec file for the shell you use.

For the Bourne, Korn and Posix Shells we recommend the following additions to the /etc/profile file.

export ROBELLE=/opt/robelle
export PATH=$PATH:$ROBELLE/bin

For the C Shell we recommend that you add the following commands after any existing PATH or MANPATH statements in the /etc/csh.login file:

setenv ROBELLE /opt/robelle
set path=($path $ROBELLE/bin)


Suprtool dynamically loads the Eloquence libraries and If you do not have Eloquence you do not have to set the SHLIB_PATH variable. You you will receive the following warning messages, Suprtool, however, will continue to run fine, except the Base command will cause Suprtool to fail.

  Warning: Could not load Eloquence image library.
  Warning: Could not load Eloquence scan library.

Typically you can add the line below to the

file and every user that uses the Bourne, Korn and Posix shells will have the variable for each of their sessions.

   export SHLIB_PATH=/opt/eloquence6/lib/pa11_32

Suprtool also uses SHLIB_PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables when loading the Oracle libraries, typically this variable is already set as part of the Oracle installation, however you could set the variable as such:

   export SHLIB_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib32

Configuring different Shells

When you log on to HP-UX, a program is run called the shell. The shell program interprets commands, executes them, and controls command execution. Making configuration changes requires that you know which shell you are using and what files are automatically executed.

Bourne, Korn and Posix Shells

the Bourne, Korn and Posix shells execute the file /etc/profile when you log on to HP-UX. They then look for a file in your home directory called .profile. If it exists, it is executed. If you use SAM to add new users, the file /etc/d.profile is automatically copied to the home group of the new user. If you want to make global changes to the commands that are executed at login in time you typically have to make the changes to the /etc/profile file, and check that the /etc/d.profile (the file that becomes the users .profile file), does not counteract any of the changes that you have made to the global file, such as Path, Manpath or Robelle. You also have may have to warn existing Bourne and Korn shell users to change their .profile file in their home directories.

C Shell

The C shell executes the file /etc/csh.login when you log on to HP-UX. It then looks for the file .login in your home directory. If it exists, it is executed. Next, the C shell executes the file .cshrc in your home directory (also executed any time you invoke a new copy of /bin/csh). If you use SAM to add new users, the files /etc/d.login and /etc/d.cshrc are automatically copied to the home group of the new users. You may need to make changes to /etc/d.login and /etc/d.schrc, so that new users do not override your changes. You may also have to warn existing C shell users to change their .login and .cshrc files in their home directories.