SUPRTOOL Version 4.5
Database Handyman for the HP e3000
Change Notice
Installation Instructions
Addendum to 4.3 User Manual
Suprtool 4.5
Dbedit 4.5
Suprlink 4.5
STExport 4.5
Speed Demon 4.5
Suprtool2 4.8
Robelle Solutions Technology
Suite 201, 15399-102A Ave.
Surrey, B.C. Canada V3R 7K1
Phone: (604) 582.1700
Fax: (604) 582.1799
December 2001
Program and Manual Copyright Robelle Solutions Technology Inc.
Permission is granted to reprint this document (but not for
profit), provided that copyright notice is given.
QEDIT and SUPRTOOL are trademarks of Robelle Solutions Technology
Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.
Introducing Suprtool Version 4.5
* Highlights
* Compatibility
* CPU Serial Number and CPU Name
* Compatibility Mode vs. Native Mode
* Documentation
* Documentation Formats
Suprtool provides fast access to your data on the HP e3000. With
Suprtool, you can perform many necessary DP functions easily, with
just a few simple commands. At Robelle we are constantly working
on your enhancement requests so that we can include them when we
release an updated version of Suprtool. This change notice
provides you with detailed installation steps and a description of
Suprtool's new features.
We would appreciate any feedback on any of the new features
available in this release of Suprtool. Thank you for agreeing to
give this new version of Suprtool a try.
Highlights in Version 4.5
* Support for "well-formed" XML in STExport.
* Suprtool, STExport and Suprlink can now have warnings turned
off when run from batch with the set warnings off command.
* CM to NM switches in Suprtool have been decreased
* Suprtool now has the ability to load and extract data from a
* Loading a Table is now up to 28% faster than previous versions.
* Table lookup operations are now up to 33% faster than previous
Highlights in Version 4.4
* Suprtool now supports string expressions in both the Extract
and If commands. String expressions allow users to select and
format their byte-type data in numerous new ways. This
includes combining byte-type fields together, upshifting and
downshifting data, and trimming blanks. These new features
combine to reduce the number of tasks needed to select and
format the data the way you need it.
* Suprtool, Speed Demon and HowMessy now support the new database
limits of 1,200 items, 240 sets and 64 paths for a master
* Suprtool now supports the new Entrynumber format for databases
available in IMAGE version C.09.00 and later.
* Suprtool now supports 5,100 bytes of constants to be extracted.
(only NM and HP-UX)
* Suprtool, Suprlink and STExport now have the ability to create
their own persistent redo stacks. The contents of these stacks
can be recalled not only in the current session, but also in a
future session.
Suprtool, Speed Demon, STExport, Suprcall and Suprlink are
compatible with MPE/V, MPE XL, and MPE/iX, including MPE/iX 6.5
and MPE/iX 7.0.
CPU Serial Number and CPU Name (HPSUSAN & HPCPUNAME)
This program runs only on CPUs whose serial numbers have been
encoded ("showvar hpsusan" on MPE/iX). This program may also be
encoded with your HPCPUNAME values. If it fails to run and you
get an "invalid HPCPUNAME" or "invalid HPSUSAN" error message,
contact Robelle for assistance.
Compatibility Mode vs. Native Mode
Throughout this change notice and in all of the Suprtool
documentation, there are references to compatibility mode and
native mode. If you are on a Classic HP e3000 (i.e., not MPE/iX),
you can use the compatibility-mode version of Suprtool. Our job
streams automatically install the correct version for your
machine. We use the terms MPE XL and MPE/iX interchangeably in
our documentation.
This release includes updated user manuals for Suprtool and its
components. To print these manuals, use the Printdoc program.
This is the list of documentation files for Suprtool (NOTE: These
file names assume that Install.Suprjnew has already been
performed.) :
suprtool.doc.robelle {Suprtool user manual}
stexport.doc.robelle {STExport user manual}
suprlink.doc.robelle {Suprlink user manual}
dbedit.doc.robelle {Dbedit user manual}
demon.doc.robelle {Speed Demon user manual}
suprcall.doc.robelle {Calling Suprtool user manual}
suprtool.docchg.robelle {this change notice}
If you know the file names of other Robelle documents, you can
print them with Printdoc or you can include the file name in the
:Run command. For example, to print this change notice, type
Documentation Formats
The user manuals for Suprtool and its components are also
available in the several popular formats such as PDF and HTMLHelp
Installation of 4.5
If you need to install this upgrade in an account other than the
Robelle account, use the installation instructions in the appendix
at the end of this change notice.
The following installation instructions are for existing Suprtool
users who are installing a new version in the Robelle account.
Please use the instructions from this change notice instead of the
user manual because the change notice always has the latest
version. The whole process should take about 30 minutes, assuming
no one uses Suprtool or its components during the installation.
To install this update of Suprtool, follow these steps:
1. Restore the new files from tape.
2. Upgrade the structure of the Robelle account.
3. Install the proper program files (NM or Classic).
4. Install Speed Demon in the system SL (only Classic).
5. Install the Suprtool2 interface in the system SL (only
6. Limit Suprtool's run time priority (optional).
7. Install QLIB and Bonus programs.
8. Purge the installation files (optional).
Ecometry Users
Users of the Ecometry application need to use the installation
instructions supplied by Ecometry Corporation. Those instructions
have extra steps for updating the Ecometry code accounts.
You will find the Ecometry version of these instructions at
Installation Assistance
If you have any questions or run into any problems, please call
us. Technical support is available on weekdays from 7 a.m. to 4
p.m. Pacific time. Technical support can also be obtained via
e-mail at:
Important Note about Passwords
None of the jobs that we supply have passwords in them. Before
streaming a job, you might have to add your system's passwords to
the first line. Users of MPE XL 3.0 and later do not have to do
this because the operating system prompts for missing passwords.
The same is true for some MPE V users who have security software
that inserts passwords. Most MPE V users have to edit the jobs.
For example, if the system manager logon password is Qwerty, you
would do the following:
HP32201A.07.22 EDIT/3000
/modify 1
!job robelle,manager.sys,pub;hipri;jobq=SUPRTOOL
!job robelle,manager.sys/qwerty,pub;hipri;jobq=SUPRTOOL
/keep robtemp
:stream robtemp
:purge robtemp
Users of STREAMX, a part of SECURITY/3000 from VESOFT Inc., must
set a Job Control Word before streaming jobs. This prevents
STREAMX from generating an error if the Robelle account does not
yet exist. For example,
:setjcw streamxtempnonest 1
Step 1: Restore the Files
You begin by restoring all the files from the tape.
:hello manager.sys
:file rtape; dev=tape {use appropriate
:restore *rtape; @.@.robelle; create {restore everything}
The files on the tape require approximately 120,000 sectors. If
you are upgrading Suprtool, most of these files will replace
existing files, because the new version of Suprtool does not take
up much more space than the old version.
The Suprtool program files are located in the Pub group of the
Robelle account. At this point in the installation process, the
files do not yet have the correct names. The install job assigns
the proper names to the program files.
Step 2: Set Up the Robelle Account
Even if you already have the Robelle account, you must stream the
Robelle job to ensure that the Robelle account and all its groups
have the proper security and capabilities.
:stream robelle.job.robelle
When the job stream is finished, it will send you a message. The
job removes the password from the Robelle account. Stay logged on
as Manager.Sys and put a password on the Robelle account. If you
are upgrading your Robelle account, use the old password.
:altacct robelle;pass=hardpass {hard to guess}
Note that during installation we add OP capability to the Robelle
account. After installing Suprtool, you have the option to remove
OP capability.
Step 3: Install Suprtool into Production
Our installation job installs Suprtool, STExport, Suprlink, Speed
Demon, and the Suprtool2 interface. No one can use these programs
during the installation. Before you stream this installation job,
warn people not to use these programs for a while.
:hello mgr.robelle
:warn @;please exit from Suprtool and Suprlink NOW!
:stream install.suprjob
Once Suprtool has been installed, check the installation job
$stdlist. If anyone was either using Suprtool, STExport,
Suprlink, or Speed Demon, or attempting to back them up, the
installation job will fail. Chase away any users and ensure that
a backup is not in progress, then stream the installation job
The installation job renames your current versions of Suprtool and
its components to the PubOld group of the Robelle account. If you
need to move these versions back into production, use the
Previous.Suprjob job stream.
You can now access Suprtool by entering
Optional Installation Steps
On MPE/iX your installation should be complete. If you have a
copy of Speed Demon or the Suprtool2 interface in your own XL
files, you will have to update them with the new versions (use the
instructions in the Speed Demon and Calling Suprtool user
To use the new versions on MPE V, you still need to install Speed
Demon and Suprtool2 in the system SL. MPE/iX users must also do
this if they are calling Speed Demon or Suprtool2 from
compatibility-mode programs. With few changes to Speed Demon and
Suprtool2, you can safely ignore them for this version of
Step 4: Speed Demon/V Installation (optional)
To use the new features of Speed Demon/V, you must install the
latest version in the system SL. You should follow the
installation instructions in the Speed Demon user manual. These
instructions assume that you have used the Install.Suprjob job
stream to move Suprtool and its components into the Pub group of
the Robelle account.
:stream demon.suprjob.robelle
Step 5: Suprtool2 Interface Installation (only Classic)
The Suprtool2 interface has been revised. On MPE V you must
re-install the interface. If you do not have the latest Suprtool2
interface, programs that attempt to use totals from Suprtool2 will
fail. You can install this interface without recompiling any of
your existing programs.
System SL Installation
To install the latest Suprtool2 interface in the system SL, use
our standard installation job:
:stream suprcall.suprjob.robelle
User SL or XL Files
If you have a copy of the Suprtool2 interface in your own SL or
XL, you will need to update it. For instructions on how to do
this, consult the user manual for Calling Suprtool.
Step 6: Limit Suprtool's Run Time Priority (optional)
Some system managers like to limit the amount of resources that
Suprtool consumes. One way to do this is by running Suprtool in
the D queue. You can configure this using HP's Linkedit program.
>altprog suprtool;maxpri=ds
By forcing Suprtool to always run in the lower queue (even when
Suprtool runs on-line), it competes less with on-line users,
because most users run in the C queue. System managers should
restrict the priority of Suprtool only if they are familiar with
MPE process queues and the Tune command.
Step 7: Install QLIB and Bonus Programs
Suprtool comes with an array of contributed software in the QLIB
library (in the QLIB groups of the Robelle account). QLIB
programs may be used on any CPU and may be given away freely.
Your Robelle license may also entitle you to receive our Bonus
programs: Compare/iX, HowMessy, Select, Spell, and Xpedit. These
programs reside in the Pub group of the Robelle account. Bonus
programs can only be used on authorized machines, and you may not
distribute them to anyone.
If you received Bonus programs with this version of Suprtool, use
the job stream called Bonus.Job.Robelle to install both the QLIB
and Bonus programs. If you did not receive Bonus programs, use
the job stream Qlib.Job.Robelle to install the QLIB programs.
:hello mgr.robelle
:stream bonus.job.robelle {or Qlib.Job.Robelle}
If you skip this step, you might end up running old versions of
these programs.
Step 8: Purge Installation Files (optional)
The easiest way to clean up after an installation is to stream the
Cleanup.Purgejob.Robelle job. This job saves you disc space by
purging the installation files. It does not purge the files that
are necessary to run the software.
Enhancements in Version 4.5
We constantly provide Suprtool users with new features. The
following section describes the new enhancements to Suprtool since
the last major release.
CM to NM Switches Decreased
Suprtool has dramatically decreased the number of CM to NM
switches. In our internal testing we have seen reductions from
between 8 and 24 times, depending on the task.
Set Warnings Off
Suprtool, STExport and Suprlink have a new command called Set
Warnings which when turned off will no longer print warning
messages if you are running in batch.
In Suprtool, you can simulate batch mode with the command Set
Interactive off. If Set Warnings is off, Suprtool will honour the
value of the Interactive setting, provided Set Warnings off is set
after the Set Interactive command.
This feature is for those customers that have software packages
that do analysis of your $STDLISTs. By preventing the "Warning:"
messages from being printed, these Suprtool scripts will not get
flagged as jobs that failed.
Loading Tables Performance Improvement
Suprtool has the ability to load key-values into a table via the
Table command. The loading of the key-values into the table has
been improved by up to 28%.
If $Lookup Performance
The performance of tasks with an if $lookup operation have had a
performance boost of up to 33%.
Extract from a Table
Suprtool now has the ability to load data into a table via the
Table command, and extract that data out of the table using the
Extract command.
The Table command (MPE/iX only) now allows for data to be loaded
along with matching key values.
>table table-name,key-field,file,filename,&
An example of loading two data fields called cost and desc along
with the key field of part into a table would be:
>table partab,part,file,partin,data(cost,desc)
You can specify up to 20 data fields as long as the total size of
the key fields and data does not exceed 256 bytes. The Table file
must be Self-Describing (Link) in order to use the data option.
When loading data into a table, Suprtool will eliminate the
duplicate entries based on the key value, so the associated data
values may not be loaded into the table.
The Extract command can utilize the $lookup function to return
data. The syntax for the $lookup function would look as follows:
>extract target = $lookup(table-name,key-field,data-field)
The Table name, key-field and data-field are all defined by the
Table command, which must be input before the Extract command.
A classic example: your boss comes to you with a list of new
prices and descriptions for certain parts for your Part-Master
The basic steps to do this are to load the new prices and
descriptions into a Table, index by the product number (prodno),
then Extract the price field from each record and replace it with
a $lookup on the table.
Here is the Suprtool code:
>table newprices,prodno,file,bosslist,data(price,desc)
>get part-master
>if $lookup(newprices,prodno)
>extract price = $lookup(newprices,prodno,price)
>extract desc = $lookup(newprices,prodno,desc)
We do the If $lookup to select only the parts which have new
prices, then do Extract with $lookup to replace the existing price
with a new one. The Update command forces a database update on
each selected record and must come before the Extract command.
If you did not specify the If $lookup, then records that did not
qualify under the $lookup function in the extract field, will
result in zeroes for any numeric field and spaces for any byte
type fields.
XML Command
STExport will now generate "well-formed" XML output with just a
few commands.
$input file1sd
$output myxml
These four simple commands will generate the following file that
packages such as XMLSpy will consider to be "well-formed" XML.
The result of such an STExport task will look as follows:
Los Altos
Room 655
Los Altos 040033022
By default STExport will add the simplest version tag at the
beginning of the file, then it inserts a and matching
at the beginning and the end of the file. Then STExport
encloses each record from the input file in a and
tag. Finally, the Self-Describing tags are added around
each field's data values and edited appropriately.
Naturally users would want options to customize and specify the
various options and tags themselves, in order to generate a file
that is acceptable to their tools.
You can specify the "version" tag at the beginning of the XML file
with the following command:
xml version "?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?"
STExport will put the "<" and ">" around what is specified in the
version string. In addition, you can customize the "file" and
"record" tags with the following simple commands:
xml file "orders" record "orderdetail"
You can enter multiple XML commands per task to set the XML
options you require.
$in file1sd
$xml version "?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?"
$xml file "Orders" record "Details"
$out myfile
An example of the output generated by the above commands is as
Los Altos
Room 655
Los Altos 040033022
In XML the tags that surrounded the data can not have any special
characters other than hyphen, underscore and period ("-","_",
"."). So STExport replaces any of the invalid special characters
with a "." by default. You can change the default character to be
something else with the following set command:
$Set xmltagchar "_"
STExport will only allow the hyphen, underscore and period to be
set with this command.
A Document Type Declaration can be made at the beginning of the
file via the !DOCTYPE specification. This typically tells
whatever tool that is parsing the xml file where the DTD for the
file resides.
In STExport you can specify simple one-line doctype specs with the
following command:
xml doctype '!DOCTYPE address-book SYSTEM "address-book.dtd"'
This will write the doctype specification at the top of the output
file, directly after the XML version specification.
More complicated and lengthy doctype specifications can be
implemented by using the filename option, whereby STExport will
append the contents of a named file directly after the version
specification. The syntax can be simply:
xml doctype myfile.xml
All of STExport's XML command options (version, doctype, file and
record) allow for a string to be passed via surrounding quotes.
The quotes may be either single or double, but keep in mind that
if the string is to contain double quotes, then you should
surround the entire string with single quotes.
So to summarize this new feature the following commands have been
added for XML support. The XML command has the following options:
VERSION "string"
DOCTYPE "string" |
FILE "string"
RECORD "string"
The following set command has been added to aid in the conversion
of special characters in the tag:
set xmltagchar "."
Bugs Fixed in Version 4.5
Dividing Zero by Zero. Some division operations would result in a large
number when dividing zero by zero if the target type was zoned,
packed or quad integer.
Divide Operations. Suprtool could not properly convert the result of a
division operation if the target was zoned or packed, in one
specific case.
Extract Character Constant. If you had a extract of a character
constant, and if the constant specified was not completely filled
in for all of the positions in the length of the field, Suprtool
would would produce strange results.
Error Message. The error message on a failure to open the $stdin file
has been improved.
Define Command. A warning message has been added in the case where
fields defined as non-standard integers, will be treated as
Extract Command The error message that prints when the expression
specified cannot be coerced/converted into the target has been
If $Read Operations. Suprtool would incorrectly put commands entered
thru the $read facility into the redo file or stack when executed
thru a Use file.
Table Command. Suprtool would not hold on to a table in some cases when
the hold option was specified in the table command. The CM and
HP-UX versions of Surptool would not hold on to the correct table
in some cases.
Verify Command. Verify Define will now show the correct information
when defining non-standard integers.
Variable Substitution. Suprtool did not handle resolving of system
variables that are defined with no value.
Variable Substitution. Suprtool did not properly handle a variable that
was only a comment.
Enhancements in Version 4.4
Every year we provide Suprtool users with new features. The
following section describes the new enhancements to Suprtool since
the last major release.
IMAGE Limits
Starting with MPE/iX 6.5 Express 2, a new version of IMAGE,
C.09.00, will be available. This version of IMAGE, as well as
later versions, now supports 1,200 items, 240 datasets and 64
paths from a master dataset. The previous limits for a master
were 1,023 items, 199 datasets and 16 paths.
Suprtool, Speed Demon, Dbedit and HowMessy now support this new
version of IMAGE.
Large Datasets
IMAGE now supports datasets larger than 80 GB. In order to do
this, the IMAGE label was changed to keep track of records and the
pointers that hold them together. Prior to version C.09.00, IMAGE
stored records in what is known as Entryname format. In IMAGE
version C.09.00 and later, you can now select a new option called
the Entrynumber format.
This change to IMAGE must be invoked either by building a new
database or by converting a database with an HP-supplied utility
called Dbbigset.Pub.Sys. You can read more about this change in
the MPE/iX 6.5 Express 2 Communicator (available at or get more details from the Robelle Web site.
Suprtool has been enhanced to support this new internal change to
IMAGE. HowMessy currently returns an error when you attempt to
report on a dataset with this feature enabled, because the block
number calculations are no longer relevant for this type of
database. We are currently reviewing how best to report on the
efficiency of databases that use this new format.
Extracting Constants
Until now, Suprtool was limited to 1,530 bytes of constants for
MPE/iX and HP-UX versions of Suprtool. This limit has now been
increased to 5,100 bytes. The MPE/V version of Suprtool is still
limited to 1,275 bytes.
Persistent Redo
Commands entered at the Suprtool prompt are saved in something
called the redo stack. You can recall commands from this stack by
using other commands such as Before, Do and Redo. By default, the
redo stack is stored in a temporary file and discarded as soon as
you exit Suprtool. This temporary stack is not preserved across
Suprtool invocations.
The new Set Redo command assigns a permanent file to the redo
stack, allowing the stack to become available for future Suprtool
invocations. For example, to assign the Myredo file as a
persistent redo stack, enter
>set redo myredo
If the file does not exist, Suprtool creates it. Otherwise,
Suprtool uses the existing file. All subsequent commands are
written to the persistent redo stack. This setting is valid for
the duration of the Suprtool session. As soon as you exit
Suprtool, the setting is discarded. Next time you run Suprtool,
you will get the temporary stack.
If the file name is not qualified, the redo stack is created in
the logon group and account. This may be desirable if you want to
have separate stacks. If you want to always use the same
persistent stacks, you should qualify the name.
The Verify command shows which stack is currently in use. If it
shows , then Suprtool is using the default stack.
Anything else is the name of the file used on the Set Redo
If a file with the specified name already exists, it must be
specifically created by a Set Redo command. Suprtool, Suprlink
and STExport do not overwrite an existing file.
When Suprtool uses the default temporary stack, it is accessible
only to that particular instance of Suprtool. You can run as many
Suprtool instances as you need and each one gets its own redo
stack. With temporary stacks, you will never have concurrency
If you start using a persistent redo stack, however, you might
start running into concurrency problems. A persistent redo stack
can be used by only one Suprtool instance at a time. If you try
to use a persistent redo stack that is already in use, you will
get the following message:
>set redo myredo
Unable to open file for REDO stack
In this situation, Suprtool continues to use the redo stack active
at the time and lets you continue working as normal.
Qedit can also have permanent redo stacks. To prevent products
from writing to each other's redo stack, it is advisable to have
separate stacks for each product by giving them different file
names. For example, if you use
>set redo myredo
you will have a redo stack called Myredo for your Suprtool
commands. If you exit Suprtool, then run Qedit and supply the
same Set Redo command, your Qedit commands will be written to the
same file that was used for your Suprtool commands.
String Expressions
Both the Extract and If commands have been enhanced to allow
string expressions, which can be used to:
1. Combine two fields together (using the + operator).
2. Remove spaces (using the built-in trim functions).
3. Upshift or downshift characters.
String expressions reduce the number of tasks required for many
common operations involving byte-type fields. Fewer tasks means
that Suprtool delivers data to your applications faster than ever
These changes are so extensive that string expressions are
described separately for the Extract and If Commands. See the
sections below for specific details and examples of string
Extract Command
You can now use string expressions in the Extract command. They
allow you to combine byte-type fields together (using the +
operator) or operate on byte-type fields with special functions.
In many cases, you can now reduce the number of tasks required to
format your data the way you want. Fewer tasks means that
Suprtool delivers the data where you need it faster than ever
before. To extract a string expression, use this syntax:
EXTRACT target-field = expression
The target-field determines the byte-length of the expression.
The data-type must be Byte or Char. The expression is extracted
during the output phase and cannot be used by other Suprtool
commands that accept fields (e.g., Sort).
>extract id-no = warehouse-no + bin-no
>extract full-name = first-name + last-name
Constants vs. Expressions
If you have a string expression that starts with a string,
Suprtool assumes that you are attempting to extract a single
string value and not a string expression. To specify a string
expression that starts with a constant, surround the expression
with parentheses. For example,
>extract name = " " + product-desc
Error: Missing comma or invalid arithmetic expression
>extract name = (" " + product-desc)
Variable Length Strings
String expressions use variable-length strings. Suprtool keeps
track of the length of every string, and all operations are done
using the actual string length. For fields, the length of the
string is the length of the field. If you do not want to retain
all the spaces in a field, use one of the built-in trimming
String constants are created with the exact length of the
constant. For example, the string "abc" is three characters long
and the string "a" is one.
When assigning the string expression to the target field, Suprtool
pads the final string value with spaces to fill out the target
field. String expressions longer than the target field generate
an error.
>in testfile
>def a,1,10,byte
>ext a="I'm too long for this container"
Error: String is too long for the specified item
String Truncation
Suprtool produces an error if the string expression is longer than
the target field. You cannot override this error with Set Ignore
On. To help avoid the error, you may want to trim trailing spaces
from the expression before assigning it to the target field. For
>extract new-field = $trim(a + b + c)
Upshifting Strings ($Upper)
Use the built-in function $upper to upshift all the characters of
a string expression into uppercase characters. This function can
be used to upshift a single field, a complicated string
expression, or any subpart of an expression. Both ASCII and
Roman-8 characters are upshifted by $upper. For example,
>extract city-up = $upper(city)
>extract full-name = $upper(first + last)
>extract desc = desc-1 + $upper(desc-2)
Downshifting Strings ($Lower)
If you want to downshift all characters of a string expression to
lowercase, use the built-in function $lower. This function can be
used to downshift a single field, a complicated string expression,
or any subpart of an expression. Both ASCII and Roman-8
characters are downshifted by $lower. For example,
>extract city-lower-case = $lower(city)
>extract city-state = $lower(city + state)
>extract desc = desc-1 + $lower(desc-2)
Trimming Spaces ($Trim, $Ltrim, $Rtrim)
Use one of three built-in string functions to remove leading or
trailing spaces from a string expression. The three functions
$Trim: Remove leading and trailing spaces from the string
$Ltrim: Remove leading spaces.
$Rtrim: Remove trailing spaces.
If Command
You can do comparisons with byte-type fields in numerous ways
using Suprtool. These powerful features minimize the number of
tasks you must execute in order to select the data you need. The
fewer the number of tasks, the faster your data is delivered to
the users and applications that need it.
You can combine byte-type fields together and use the built-in
string functions to create string expressions. String expressions
involve the + operator and any of the built-in string functions,
which are $lower, $upper, $trim, $ltrim and $rtrim.
Fixed vs. Variable Length Strings
String comparisons are done using fixed- and variable-length
strings. For most users, there should be no difference between
the two types of strings. When doing string comparisons, Suprtool
always pads shorter strings with spaces, with the one exception of
comparing two fixed-length fields (see "Byte Fields" below).
String expressions involving the + operator or the $lower, $upper,
$trim, $ltrim and $rtrim built-in functions are done using
variable-length strings. Suprtool keeps track of the length of
every string, and all operations are done using the actual string
length. For fields, the length of the string is the length of the
field. If you do not want to retain all the spaces in a field,
use one of the built-in trimming functions.
When creating string expressions, string constants are created
with the exact length of the constant. For example, the string
"abc" is three characters long and the string "a" is one.
Byte Fields
For historical reasons, comparing two byte-type fields to each
other is a special case. If the two fields are exactly the same
length, Suprtool compares them completely. If one field is
shorter, the comparison is done for the length of the shortest
field. Suprtool does not check for spaces in the trailing
characters of the longer field. For example,
>define short, 1,10 {10-character field}
>define long ,11,15 {15-character field}
>if short = long
In this example, Suprtool compares the 10 bytes in the short field
with the first 10 bytes of the long field, but ignores the last
five bytes of the long field. If the expression on either side of
the equal sign consisted of more than one field (using the +
operator) or involved any of the built-in string functions, such
as $lower, $upper, $trim, $ltrim and $rtrim, Suprtool would have
compared both sides of the equal sign by padding the shorter field
with spaces. It is only the case where you are directly comparing
one byte-type field to another that Suprtool uses the length of
the shortest field for the comparison.
Trimming Spaces ($Trim, $Ltrim, $Rtrim)
Use one of three built-in string functions to remove leading or
trailing spaces from a string expression. The three functions
$Trim: Remove leading and trailing spaces from the string
$Ltrim: Remove leading spaces.
$Rtrim: Remove trailing spaces.
Because Suprtool pads shorter strings with spaces when doing
comparisons, trimming spaces is most useful when creating a
combined string with several fields. For example, you might want
to combine a person's first and last name (including a space
between the two):
>if $trim(first) + " " + $trim(last) = "Joe Smith"
Mixed Case ($Upper and $Lower)
By default, Suprtool does an exact match when comparing two string
expressions. If the expressions vary in the capitalization of
characters, Suprtool finds them to be unequal. To do caseless
string comparisons or pattern matches, use the $upper or $lower
functions. Both ASCII and Roman-8 characters are shifted by
$upper and $lower. For example,
>if $upper(city) = "VANCOUVER"
>if $lower(city) = "edmonton"
Note that if you use the $upper or $lower functions, Suprtool does
not shift any constants in the comparison. You must explicitly
specify the constants in the correct case or you can use $upper or
$lower with the constant:
>if $upper(city) = $upper("vancouver")
Use the $upper or $lower functions for caseless pattern matching.
As with other comparison operators, you must specify constants in
the correct case when doing pattern matching:
>if $upper(city) == "VAN@"
>if $lower(city) == "ed@"
You can use $upper and $lower with string expressions that combine
many fields and string functions as shown in the following
>if $read
- $upper($trim(first) +
- " " +
- $trim(last))
Bugs Fixed in Version 4.4
Arithmetic Operations. Suprtool now has a better error message when an
arithmetic operation has an invalid decimal operand length.
Extract Command. When extracting constants, Suprtool no longer
incorrectly reports that the constant limit has been reached.
Extract Command. When extracting one field into another, invalid data
is no longer produced if the two fields are exactly the same
length and type, but have a different number of implied decimal
Extract Command. When the maximum limit of extracted constants is
reached, Suprtool no longer incorrectly reports the following
Error: Number of constants in >EXTRACT exceeds maximum
This error message has now been changed to
Error: Total size of constants in >EXTRACT exceeds maximum
Get Command and Speed Demon. Suprtool no longer incorrectly determines
the highwater mark if the dataset is non-Jumbo, the capacity is
large, and the blocking factor is one or two.
Prefetch'point Failure. Suprtool no longer fails with a prefetch'point
failure if the input file has an odd record size and the record
being selected is the last record in the file.
Set Ignore On. Suprtool now honors the Set Ignore On flag when
encountering an illegal packed decimal number in the $stddate
Suprmgr Commands. Suprtool no longer prints a blank line for every
command in the Suprmgr.Pub.Sys file.