Converting Data Types. In Suprtool 3.7, the If command allowed comparisons between fields of different data types. We've taken this feature one step further in our current pre-release by allowing the Extract command to convert numeric data between different data types. This has been a long-standing request from users who need to move data to different environments. The general syntax is: >extract field-name = expression The "field-name" can be any field from a dataset, a self-describing file, or a Define command. An "expression" is any numeric value, or field name, or an arithmetic combination of the two. For example, >define double-field,1,4,double >extract double-field = packed-field + 10 If you want to update a field with the value of another field in the same dataset, use the Update command before the Extract command. >update >extract total-cost = unit-cost * sales-qty This will also be very handy for Suprlink users when two files store the key field in different formats. For example, a Z6 display field to store Customer-Number in one file, and a J2 integer field to store Cust-No in another file. This feature will be part of Suprtool 3.8 which is expected around April of next year. If you would like to try a pre-release version, feel free to give us a call.