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Qedit for Windows 4.6.07

Changes in Qedit for Windows 4.6.07

Right-Click Features

You can now use the right mouse button to access commands on a shortcut menu. This feature is available in both the 16- and 32-bit editions of Qedit for Windows. The right-click menu commands are context sensitive. There are three sets of commands:

Click on a selection

When you right-click on a selection, Qedit for Windows gives you the largest number of choices. You can: Here is a sample of what it looks like:

Click on a selection

Click on text

When you right-click on some text, Qedit for Windows gives you the the following choices. You can: Here is a sample of what it looks like:

Click on text

Click beyond the end of a line

When you right-click beyond the end of a line, Qedit for Windows will let you paste at the spot that you clicked. Here is a sample of what it looks like:

Click beyond the end of a line