SmartDate Version 2.0 Fully Year 2000 Compliant Date and Time Library from Robelle Robelle Consulting Ltd. Unit 201, 15399-102A Ave. Surrey, B.C. Canada V3R 7K1 Toll-free: 1-888-ROBELLE (1-888-762-3553) Phone: (604) 582-1700 Fax: (604) 582-1799 E-mail: Web: April 1997 Program and Manual Copyright Robelle Consulting Ltd. 1979-1997 Permission is granted to reprint this document (but not for profit), provided that copyright notice is given. SUPRTOOL, QEDIT, and XPRESS are trademarks of Robelle Consulting Ltd. The following names and marks are companies and trademarks of their respective owners, which designate companies and products not provided by or associated with Robelle or its SUPRTOOL database handyman, QEDIT editor, and XPRESS electronic mail products. MANMAN is a trademark of ASK Computer Systems, Inc. Paradox is a trademark of Borland International. Superdex is a trademark of Bradmark Technologies, Inc. ASK is a trademark of ARES. Cognos, PowerHouse, QUICK, QUIZ and QTP are trademarks of Cognos Incorporated. Omnidex is a trademark of Dynamic Information Systems Corporation. HP 3000, HPDesk, IMAGE, KSAM, LaserJet, MPE, TRANSACT, and TurboIMAGE are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Netbase is a trademark of Quest Software. Klondike and Nuggets are trademarks of Software Research Northwest, Inc. Speedware is a trademark of Speedware Corporation. Business Session is a trademark of Unison-Tymlabs. MPEX and STREAMX are trademarks of VESOFT, Inc. Reflection is a registered trademark of Walker Richer & Quinn, Inc. 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to SmartDate * MPE V versus MPE/iX * Conditions of Use * Fourth-Generation Languages (4GLs) * Documentation Welcome to version 2.0 of SmartDate, Robelle's date and time library, which is fully compatible with year 2000 dates. SmartDate's powerful capabilities can be called from your program to process dates and convert them into many formats. SmartDate solves some of the most common data processing problems: checking, editing, and converting dates. SmartDate also provides you with an easy way to change your applications to support dates into the year 2000. Use SmartDate in all your applications to ensure reliable and fast date handling, in this century or the next. MPE V versus MPE/iX SmartDate works on both MPE V and MPE/iX computers. On MPE V, you install SmartDate in the system SL (see the chapter on Installing SmartDate for instructions). On MPE/iX, you run your native mode programs with an XL file: DateXL.Pub.Robelle. Conditions of Use SmartDate is a separate product; it is not a component of any other Robelle product. You are licensed to use SmartDate only on a specific set of CPUs. SmartDate cannot be included in software that is being distributed to sites which are not licensed to use SmartDate. Application software developers who are interested in integrating SmartDate into their products should contact Robelle Consulting Ltd. Fourth-Generation Languages (4GLs) SmartDate is more difficult to use from 4GLs than from a regular programming language (e.g., COBOL or Pascal). Some 4GLs do a LOADPROC for every call to the SmartDate intrinsics (e.g., Reactor from Speedware). Because the LOADPROC calls to SmartDate are slow, they affect SmartDate's overall performance. Fortunately, most 4GLs have their own date-handling routines that replace the functionality of SmartDate. 2 Chapter 1 Introduction to SmartDate Documentation The user documentation for SmartDate assumes that you have some previous experience with MPE and programming. To print copies of the user manual, run the Printdoc program: :run;info="sdate.doc.robelle" Printdoc is menu driven, and it is very easy to use. Printdoc asks you for information; if you are not sure of your answer, you can ask for help by typing a question mark (?). Printdoc supports all types of LaserJet printers and regular line printers. The user manual is also available as a Microsoft WinHelp file. You can also obtain on-line help by using the Help command of the SmartDate program: :run >>h 3 Chapter 2 Installing SmartDate * Installation Procedures * System SL Installation * User XL Installation * Group or Pub SL Installation There are two versions of SmartDate: SmartDate/V for MPE V systems and for compatibility mode programs on MPE/iX, and SmartDate/iX for native mode programs on MPE/iX. Depending on your operating system (MPE V or MPE/iX) and the kind of programs that call SmartDate (compatibility mode, native mode, or both), you may end up installing either, both, or neither version. Read all the instructions carefully. Before using either version of SmartDate, you must build or upgrade the Robelle account and restore all files from the distribution tape. Installation Procedures You can install SmartDate on your system in three easy steps. First, build (or upgrade) the Robelle account using a job stream that we provide. Second, restore all Robelle files from tape to disc. Third, stream the installation job stream. All of these steps are easily accomplished if you log on as Manager.Sys. Even if you already have the Robelle account, the first thing you must do is stream the Robelle job: :hello manager.sys :file robtape;dev=tape :restore *robtape; {=reply on console} :stream {supply password} This job stream launches a second job, which sends you a message when it has completed. Stay logged on as Manager.Sys and put a password on the Robelle account. If you already had a Robelle account, use the same password. :altacct robelle;pass=pswd {something tricky} Please note that during installation, we add OP capability to the Robelle account. When the SmartDate installation is complete, you have the option to remove OP capability. Stay logged on as Manager.Sys and restore the Robelle files: 4 Chapter 2 Installing SmartDate :file robtape;dev=tape :restore *robtape;@.@.robelle {=reply on console} After the SmartDate files have been restored, complete the installation by streaming the installation job stream: :hello mgr.robelle :stream install.datejob System SL Installation This procedure is required for MPE V systems and for compatibility mode programs on MPE/iX. The SmartDate/V routines are distributed in the file DateUSL.Pub.Robelle. The job stream SysSL.DateJob.Robelle installs the SmartDate/V intrinsics in the system SL; this is the only method for installing SmartDate/V. You also use this job stream to update SmartDate/V when you receive a new version, or to re-install the interface after an update from HP. You will need a small tape to make a new cold load tape that includes the SmartDate/V segments. Warning: You must have created the Robelle account and restored all files as described in the Installation Procedures section above. To install SmartDate/V into the system SL, follow these steps: 1. Ensure that no one uses SmartDate/V during the installation. Also make sure programs that use SmartDate/V are not running. Stop all such jobs and send an operator warning. :showjob :warn @;please stop for 20 minutes :abortjob #snnn 2. Stream the installation job. If MPE prompts for passwords, supply them. :stream syssl.datejob.robelle 3. SmartDate/V uses the Segmenter to add the segments into SL.Pub.Sys. It then requests a tape called "coldload" to create a new cold load tape containing MPE plus the SmartDate/V intrinsics. Mount a tape with a write ring and :Reply. Save this tape and use it for future cold loads. If you're installing to an MPE/iX machine, the job does not create a cold load tape. You must create a system load tape manually. Chapter 2 Installing SmartDate 5 4. If everything goes well, SmartDate/V prints a final message on the console. 5. Please save the job listing for future reference. Now that SmartDate/V is installed, you should be able to use it in your application programs. User XL Installation This is an optional procedure for native mode programs on MPE/iX. You normally access SmartDate/iX by specifying XL=DateXL.Pub. Robelle when running your program. As a result, there may be no need to perform any installation steps for SmartDate/iX. The advantage of leaving SmartDate/iX in the Robelle account and always pointing your programs to the XL when you run them, is that when you receive an upgrade of the Robelle account files, SmartDate/iX is automatically upgraded, with no effort on your part. The disadvantage is that you must remember to always put the XL= statement in all your Run commands of programs that use SmartDate/iX. If you don't want to change your Run commands, you can copy SmartDate/iX into your own XL, which is already being searched. The XL can reside anywhere on your system; it does not have to be in the same account or the same group as your XL file. Here are the commands to install SmartDate/iX in your own XL: :hello user.acct :linkedit >xl xl {we assume the XL already exists} >copyxl; replace >exit The Replace option is not in all versions of Linkedit. If Replace is not available in your version and you already have SmartDate in your XL file, you need to manually purge the existing modules before copying the new one. Datexl can successfully be installed into the system XL file, but this is not recommended by HP. Datexl can be combined into an XL file with other Robelle XL files, except Qcompxl (a part of Qedit). Group or Pub SL Installation This procedure is for MPE/V systems and for compatibility mode programs on MPE/iX. It is not the recommended or supported procedure. See the SmartDate/V instructions in the previous section. 6 Chapter 2 Installing SmartDate Pub SL To install SmartDate/V in a Pub SL, both the account and the Pub group have to have privileged mode capability. The calling program must be installed in the same account (it does not have to be in the Pub group), and it must be run with Lib=P. Here are the commands to modify an existing account called Dev: :hello,pub :segmenter -buildusl $newpass,400,8 -auxusl -copy segment,smartdate -buildsl sl,400,8 -addsl smartdate -exit Group SL The steps for installing SmartDate/V in a group SL are the same as for the Pub SL, except that you have to use the actual group name instead of the Pub group. Your user programs must be installed in the same group as the SL, and they must be run with Lib=G. 7 Chapter 3 SmartDate Essentials * SmartDate Control Record * Error Handling * MPE/iX SmartDate is a set of routines or intrinsics that you call from your program. The SmartDate/V intrinsics are installed in the system SL. The SmartDate/iX intrinsics are installed in an XL. You access SmartDate by calling these intrinsics, just as you would the IMAGE intrinsics. There are two primary intrinsics: RDTCONVERT: The main routine that does all of the processing. RDTERROR: A routine to obtain an English-language description for a specific error number. SmartDate Control Record SmartDate requires a special control record. For COBOL, we suggest you place this control record in the Copylib and then copy it into programs that use SmartDate. Typing the control record incorrectly is a common error. Instead of typing the record, we recommend using the file Cobol5.Qlibsrc.Robelle. You can copy the control record directly into your COBOL program with the following Qedit commands (use /Join with EDIT/3000): /add 50.1=cobol5.qlibsrc.robelle 1/20 This is the definition of the control record with the proper initializing values: 01 rdt-control. 05 rdt-from-type pic s9(4) comp. 05 rdt-to-type pic s9(4) comp. 05 rdt-aux-result pic s9(4) comp value zeros. 05 rdt-status pic s9(4) comp. Error Handling SmartDate is very careful to edit all dates and to make sure they are valid. We suggest that you check the status result in the control record after all calls to RDTCONVERT. You can use the RDTERROR routine to obtain an English description of the last error. Note: The error routine expects the entire control record as a parameter, not just the status result. An 8 Chapter 3 SmartDate Essentials example call to RDTERROR in COBOL looks like this: if rdt-status <> 0 then move spaces to out-buf call "RDTERROR" using rdt-control out-buf out-buflen display "Date error " out-buf. MPE/iX To access SmartDate/iX from a native mode program, you must modify the :Run command for your program so that it includes an XL file. The following example shows how you would compile, link, and run a native mode COBOL program that calls SmartDate/iX: :cob74xl main.src :link :run $oldpass;xl='' 9 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics * RDTCONVERT Intrinsic * Date Formats * Edit Options * RDTERROR Intrinsic * SmartDate Error Messages * Examples Processing dates is a large part of many data processing applications. In order to successfully use SmartDate, you must understand the basic ideas of how it works. You call RDTCONVERT to convert one date, the from-date, to another format, the to-date; additional editing during conversion is optional. Before calling RDTCONVERT, you must first set up the rdt-control area with a description of the from- and to-date formats. Much of the hard work is done by RDTCONVERT. But you, the applications programmer, must correctly initialize the control record with the proper information. The control record is designed to be very compact so that you can specify a lot of information with just a few simple initialization statements. Understanding the set up procedure for the control record is the key to making SmartDate work for you. A key benefit of SmartDate is the automatic verification of input date formats. By checking all its input date formats and making sure they are valid, SmartDate completely eliminates the possibility of using invalid formats. In this chapter we describe the SmartDate intrinsics in alphabetical order. All intrinsics require a control parameter. The condition code is not returned by any SmartDate intrinsic. 10 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT RDTCONVERT Intrinsic Check a from-date with an option to convert it to a to-date, and an option to edit it during the checking and converting process. RDTCONVERT from-date, to-date, rdt-control From-Date A date in the format specified by the from-type parameter of rdt-control. If the from-date is the current date, a dummy parameter must be passed as the from-date to act as a placeholder. To-Date A date in the format specified by the from-type parameter of rdt-control. If no to-date is specified, a dummy parameter must be passed as the to-date to act as a placeholder. Control Special control record that must be declared as follows: 01 rdt-control. 05 rdt-from-type pic s9(4) comp. 05 rdt-to-type pic s9(4) comp. 05 rdt-aux-result pic s9(4) comp value zeros. 05 rdt-status pic s9(4) comp. You must initialize this control buffer before each call to RDTCONVERT. See the chapter on Accessing SmartDate for complete details of possible values in the control record. Validating Dates Whenever you call RDTCONVERT, the from-date is checked to ensure that it is valid. For character dates, the century, year, month, and day are checked to ensure that they are numeric (date formats that permit non-numeric characters are checked appropriately). All dates are also checked to make sure the month is valid (not less than 1 or greater than 12) and the day is valid for the month. SmartDate correctly calculates leap years and ensures that February 29 is considered valid only in leap years. You can apply additional date checking by using some of the specific edit options described below. For example, you can ask SmartDate to check whether the from-date is not equal to or greater than the current date. Date verification is an important function of SmartDate. Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT 11 Cutoff Year If the from-date has only a 2-digit year, SmartDate must determine the century component of the date. By default, SmartDate assumes the current century. The century component of a from-date with a 2-digit year for a date before December 31, 1999 is assumed to be 19xx. For dates in the 2000s, SmartDate assumes the century to be 20xx. You can change this behavior in two ways. 1. Use the cutoff year edit option. 2. Specify a cutoff year by assigning a value to the RobelleCutoffYear JCW. For example, :setjcw RobelleCutoffYear 50 If the 2-digit year in the from-date is on or after the cutoff value, 19xx is the assumed century in the to-date; otherwise, 20xx is the assumed century. 12 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT Date Formats There is a single set of constants describing the date formats. Some formats are only valid for the from-date and some are only valid for the to-date. Most are valid for both. Each format details both a storage container (e.g., a 32-bit integer) and a date type. You must describe the correct format to RDTCONVERT in order to have your date processed correctly. A date in CCYYMMDD format in an 8-byte character field is not the same as a date in CCYYMMDD format in a 32-bit integer. There are many date formats. Before we present each format individually, here is a summary of all the date formats: Num Dec 31, 2000 Format Data Type From/To 0 0 Today/None 16-bit From/To 1 311200 DDMMYY 6-byte From/To 2 31/12/00 DD/MM/YY 8-byte From/To 3 001231 YYMMDD 32-bit From/To 4 51566 Calendar 16-bit From/To 5 DEC 31, 2000 MMM DD, CCYY 12-byte To-only 6 31 DEC00 DD MMMYY 8-byte From/To 7 123100 MMDDYY 6-byte From/To 8 12/31/00 MM/DD/YY 8-byte From/To 9 001231 YYMMDD 6-byte From/To 10 0012 YYMM 16-bit From/To 11 1200 MMYY 4-byte From/To 12 DEC 00 MMM YY 6-byte To-only 13 00/12/31 YY/MM/DD 8-byte From/To 14 20001231 CCYYMMDD 8-byte From/To 15 20001231 CCYYMMDD 32-bit From/To 16 WED, DEC 31, 2000DDD, MMM DD, CCYY 18-byte To-only 17 A01231 AAMMDD 6-byte From/To 18 31122000 DDMM[CC]YY n-byte From/To 19 12312000 MMDD[CC]YY n-byte From/To 20 20001231 [CC]YYMMDD n-byte From/To 21 Dec31 00 MMMDD YY 8-byte From/To 22 2001231 YYYMMDD 32-bit To-only 23 200012 CCYYMM 6-byte From/To 24 200012 CCYYMM 32-bit From/To 25 2000 CCYY 4-byte From/To 26 2000 CCYY 32-bit From/To 27 51615 Powerhouse 16-bit From/To Notes: Format 4: 51566 = 1100100 101101110 = (100) (366) Format 27: 51615 = 1100100 1100 11111 = (100) (12) (31) Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT 13 Format 0: Today/None From/To If this is the from-type, RDTCONVERT assumes today's date. If this is the to-type, no to-date is produced, but all date editing functions are applied to the from-date. Format 1: DDMMYY 6-byte From/To Character date in day, month, year format. Format 2: DD/MM/YY 8-byte From/To Character date in day, month, year format with a delimiter. For the from-date, the delimiter can be any special character. If this is the to-date format, the delimiter is always a slash. Format 3: YYMMDD 32-bit From/To Binary date in year, month, day format. Format 4: Calendar 16-bit From/To MPE calendar format. In this format, bits 0 to 6 contain the year and 7 to 15 contain the day. If the from-date evaluates to a year beyond 2027, an error is returned if you select this as the to-date type (the maximum value that can be held in 7 bits is 127). Format 5: MMM DD, CCYY 12-byte To-only Character format that you cannot use as a from-type. The month is formatted with a three-letter English abbreviation for the month. Format 6: DD MMMYY 8-byte From/To Short form of a date that includes a three-letter English abbreviation for the month. Format 7: MMDDYY 6-byte From/To Character date in month, day, year format. 14 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT Format 8: MM/DD/YY 8-byte From/To Character date in month, day, year format with a delimiter. For the from-date, the delimiter can be any special character. If this is the to-date format, the delimiter is always a slash. Format 9: YYMMDD 6-byte From/To Character date in year, month, day format. Format 10: YYMM 16-bit From/To Binary date with only the year and the month. By default, if you are converting from this from-type to a to-type that includes the day of the month, the first day of the month is used. You can specify the last day of the month by using the RtdLastDay edit option (#9). Format 11: MMYY 4-byte From/To Character date with only the year and the month. See format 10 for restrictions on this date type. Format 12: MMM YY 6-byte To-only Character date with the month in a three-letter English abbreviation and the year. This format cannot be used as a from-type. Format 13: YY/MM/DD 8-byte From/To Character date in year, month, day format with a delimiter. For the from-date, the delimiter can be any special character. If this is the to-date format, the delimiter is always a slash. Format 14: CCYYMMDD 8-byte From/To Character date in century, year, month, day format. Format 15: CCYYMMDD 32-bit From/To Binary date in century, year, month, day format. Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT 15 Format 16: DDD, MMM DD, CCYY 18-byte To-only Character date in day, month, year format. The day, month, and year must be valid and the day number must be valid for the month. Format 17: AAMMDD 6-byte From/To A special 6-character date format in which the year is either two numeric digits, or a letter and a number. This format makes it easy to preserve dates in a 6-character container while handling year 2000 dates. Dates beyond December 31, 1999 still collate correctly if they are stored in this format. By substituting a letter of the alphabet in the first position of the year, we can extend a 6-digit date and make sure the dates collate correctly. For example, YY of AAMMDD CCYY A0 - A9 2000 - 2009 B0 - B9 2010 - 2019 C0 - C9 2020 - 2029 Because letters come before numbers in the collating sequence, you can be sure AAMMDD dates beyond 1999 are ordered correctly. Format 18: DDMM[CC]YY n-byte From/To Free-format date in day, month, year format. If this is the from-type, the from-date must end in a space, a carriage return, or a binary zero. The date is read left to right. There can be white space or special characters between the day, the month, and the year. The month can be a numeric or a three-letter abbreviation in English (e.g., MAR for March). The century is optional. If the century is not specified, one of the following methods will be applied to determine the century: 1. If the century cutoff edit code is used, the cutoff value is used to determine the century. 2 If the RobelleCutoffYear JCW has been set, its value is used to determine the century. 3. If no century cutoff edit code is specified and there is no RobelleCutoffYear JCW, the century is assumed to be the current century. If this is the to-type, the from-date is formatted as DDMMCCYY with no spaces or special characters. 16 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT Format 19: MMDD[CC]YY n-byte From/To Free-format date in month, day, year format. See format 18 for details on processing free-format dates as the from-type. If this is the to-type, the from-date is formatted as MMDDCCYY with no spaces or special characters. Format 20: [CC]YYMMDD 8-byte From/To Free-format date in month, day, year format. See format 18 for details on processing free-format dates as the from-type. If this is the to-type, the from-date is formatted as CCYYMMDD with no spaces or special characters. Format 21: MMMDD YY 8-byte From/To Character date in month, day, year format. The month is formatted in a three-letter English abbreviation. Format 22: YYYMMDD 32-bit To-only The YYYMMDD date type is similar to YYMMDD, except that the first digit denotes the century. If the first digit is a one (1), then the century is 19xx; if the first digit is a two (2), then the century is 20xx. This date format is used by some third-party software packages such as MACS and APS. Format 23: CCYYMM 6-byte From/To Character date in century, year, month format. Format 24: CCYYMM 32-bit From/To Binary date in century, year, month format. Format 25: CCYY 4-byte From/To Character date in century, year format. Format 26: CCYY 32-bit From/To Binary date in century, year format. Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT 17 Format 27: Powerhouse 16-bit From/To The PHdate format is compatible with the Cognos PowerHouse date format. The date is stored in individual bit groupings with seven bits for the year of the century (bits 0-6), four bits for the month (bits 7-10), and five bits for the day (bits 11-15). Edit Options You can specify an edit option as part of the from-type. The edit specifications are optional; most people use the aux-result field of the control record to specify extra information. The from-type consists of numbers in this form: xxyy where xx is the edit operation and yy is the from-type of the from-date. For example, the from-type 1015 would specify edit option 10 and from-type 15 (binary CCYYMMDD). This is a complete list of the edit options for SmartDate. Option 1:Days between dates (RdtDaysBetween) The number of days between the from-date and the to-date is returned in the aux-result field of the control record (to-date minus from-date). Both the from-date and the to-date must contain valid dates. No output conversion occurs. An error is returned if the number of days between the dates exceeds 9999. Option 2:Day of the week (RdtDayOfTheWeek) Return the day of the week as a number in the aux-result field of the control record. The numeric value corresponds to these days: 1. Sunday 2. Monday 3. Tuesday 4. Wednesday 18 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT 5. Thursday 6. Friday 7. Saturday You can combine this edit option with a conversion between the from-date and the to-date. Option 3:Date within range of the current date (RdtX6DDMMYY) Check whether the from-date is within a specified number of days before or after today's date. For this edit option, the aux-result field of the control record must contain a special number in the form of bbaa where bb checks the number of days before and aa checks the number of days after the current date. For example, the value 1020 would check whether the from-date is no less than 10 days before today's date and no more than 20 days after. The value 0015 would check whether the from-date is not before today's date and not more than 15 days in the future. Option 4:Date within 20 days before today and 60 days after (Rdt2060) Check whether the from-date is no more than 20 days before today and no more than 60 days after. The aux-result field of the control record is ignored by this edit option. Option 5:Date on or before today's date (RdtBeforeToday) Check whether the from-date is less than or equal to today's date. Option 6:Is the from-date greater than the to-date? (RdtFromAfterTo) Check whether the from-date is greater than or equal to the to-date. Option 7:Add days (RdtAddDays) Use this edit code to add days to a from-date and use the result to form a new to-date. You can add a positive number of days (to move the date forward) or a negative number of days (to move the date backward). Specify the added number of days in the aux-result field of the control record. The maximum number of days RDTCONVERT can add or subtract is 9,999. Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTCONVERT 19 Option 8:Allow zero from-date (RdtAllowZero) Some applications use a date value of zero to indicate some special date. Use this edit option to force RDTCONVERT to treat a zero date as a valid date. When converting a zero from-date, RDTCONVERT chooses a suitable format for the to-date based on its type. Option 9:Last day of the month (RdtLastDay) Use this edit option to force the day of the to-date to the last day of the month for the year and month specified in the from-date. This option only works with to-date formats that include the day of the month. Option 10:Apply a century cutoff rule (RdtCutoffYear) If the 2-digit year in the from-date is on or after the cutoff value in the aux-result field of the control record, 19xx is the assumed century in the to-date; otherwise, 20xx is the assumed century. This edit function only works with from-date types that have 2-digit years. You can also specify a cutoff year by using the RobelleCutoffYear JCW. 20 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTERROR RDTERROR Intrinsic Format an English error message into a buffer and return the length of the message in the buffer based on the value in the control buffer. RDTERROR rdt-control, buffer, len Rdt-Control The control buffer used in a previous call to RDTCONVERT. The control buffer must not be changed between the RDTCONVERT call and the call to RDTERROR. Buffer A character array into which RDTERROR puts the error message. Note: The buffer must be big enough to hold the largest possible error message. Len The length of the message returned in the buffer. This is a 16-bit integer that must be passed by reference. Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTERROR 21 SmartDate Error Messages RDTCONVERT always returns a result in the rdt-status field of the rdt-control record. When the call to RDTCONVERT is successful, a zero is returned. Otherwise, an error number is returned. You can use RDTERROR to obtain an English description of the error. This is a complete list of the RDTCONVERT error numbers and their associated RDTERROR error messages. 1: Invalid Day The day in the from-date is invalid. The day is invalid when it is greater than 31, not numeric, or it exceeds the number of days in the month. 2: Invalid Month The month in the from-date is invalid. The month is invalid when it is greater than 12 or not numeric, or the ASCII version of the month does not match one of the three-letter English abbreviations for the month. 3: Invalid Year SmartDate supports years from 1583 to 2583. This error occurs if the year in the from-date is either not numeric or outside the range of valid years, including results from date arithmetic. For specific date formats (e.g., calendar), this error can also be returned when the year of the from-date exceeds the possible values for the year of the to-date. 4: Bad Calendar Date The MPE calendar date format has special restrictions. The year cannot exceed 2027, and the day of the year cannot exceed 365 (366 in leap years). 5: Day Not in Month The day of the month is either less than one or greater than the number of days in the month of the specified year (e.g., 29 as the day for a date in February of a non-leap year). 22 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTERROR 6: Features Not Implemented Some features of SmartDate have not been implemented. This error should not occur. If it does, please contact Robelle Consulting Ltd. 7: Invalid Date From-Type The from-type in the control record is not one of the valid SmartDate date types. 8: Invalid Date To-Type The to-type in the control record is not one of the valid SmartDate date types. 9: Edit Check Failed One of the checking operations specified by the edit option failed. This is usually caused by the from-date not falling within the edit option constraints. It is also returned by edit option #6 (RdtFromAfterTo) when the from-date is not greater than the to-date. 10: Invalid Edit Option The edit option in the control record is not one of the valid SmartDate edit options. 11: Invalid Special Character If the from-type specifies a date format with special characters as delimiters between the day, month, and year, this error is returned when SmartDate doesn't find any of these special delimiters in the from-date. 12: Not Used This error number should not be returned. If it is, please report the example to Robelle Consulting Ltd. 13: Not Used This error number should not be returned. If it is, please report the example to Robelle Consulting Ltd. Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTERROR 23 14: Not Used This error number should not be returned. If it is, please report the example to Robelle Consulting Ltd. 15: Not Used This error number should not be returned. If it is, please report the example to Robelle Consulting Ltd. 16: Too Many Days The maximum number of days between any two dates supported by SmartDate is 9,999. If you attempt to add or subtract more than this number of days (edit option #7), or if the difference between dates is more than 9,999 (edit option #1), this error is returned. 17: Missing Termination Character for Free-Form Date If you specify a free-form date format as the from-type and the from-date does not end in a space, a carriage return, or a binary zero, this error is returned. 18: Invalid Cutoff Year This error is returned for two reasons: 1. The cutoff year specified in the aux-result field of the control record is less than one or greater than 99. 2. The format of the from-date does not allow a cutoff year to be applied (e.g., the format already includes the century). 19: SmartDate has expired SmartDate has expired because it was only available for a given number of days. Contact Robelle Consulting Ltd. about purchasing SmartDate or extending its expiry date if you are already licensed for SmartDate. 20: SmartDate not authorized for this HPSUSAN The HPSUSAN number of your HP 3000 computer has not been authorized for SmartDate. This often happens when you upgrade your HP 3000. Contact Robelle Consulting Ltd. about changing your authorization or purchasing SmartDate for your specific CPU. 24 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - RDTERROR 21: Call to FINDJCW failed A call to the MPE FINDJCW intrinsic failed. Please report this error to Robelle Consulting Ltd. 22: Call to PUTJCW failed A call to the MPE PUTJCW intrinsic failed. Please report this error to Robelle Consulting Ltd. Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - Examples 25 Examples The rich functionality of SmartDate is packed into a single routine called RDTCONVERT. By combining different values in the control record, many different date operations can be performed. Rather than showing examples in a specific programming language, we have shown them in pseudocode, which we assume you are able to translate into your specific programming language. We also include complete COBOL and Pascal examples later in this documentation. Constants To make your programs and our examples more readable, you should always declare a set of constants for SmartDate date formats and edit options. We use only symbolic constants in all the examples. Date Format Constants The following constants are for the various date formats. For _ _ character dates, we use Xn, where n is the number of characters in the date. For binary dates, we use I16 for 16-bit integers and I32 for 32-bit integers. set RdtToday to 0 set RdtNone to 0 set RdtX6DDMMYY to 1 set RdtX8DD-MM-YY to 2 set RdtI32YYMMDD to 3 set RdtI16Calendar to 4 set RdtX12MMMDDCCYY to 5 set RdtX8DDMMMYY to 6 set RdtX6MMDDYY to 7 set RdtX8MM-DD-YY to 8 set RdtX6YYMMDD to 9 set RdtI16YYMM to 10 set RdtX4YYMM to 11 set RdtX6MMMYY to 12 set RdtX8YY-MM-DD to 13 set RdtX8CCYYMMDD to 14 set RdtI32CCYYMMDD to 15 set RdtX18DDDMMDDCCYY to 16 set RdtX6AAMMDD to 17 set RdtXnDDMMCCYY to 18 set RdtXnMMDDCCYY to 19 set RdtXnCCYYMMDD to 20 set RdtX8MMMDDYY to 21 set RdtI32YYYMMDD to 22 set RdtX6CCYYMM to 23 set RdtI32CCYYMM to 24 set RdtX4CCYY to 25 set RdtI32CCYY to 26 26 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - Examples set RdtI16Powerhouse to 27 Edit Options These are the constant values for the SmartDate edit options: set RdtDaysBetween to 100 set RdtDayOfTheWeek to 200 set RdtDateRange to 300 set Rdt2060 to 400 set RdtBeforeToday to 500 set RdtFromAfterTo to 600 set RdtAddDays to 700 set RdtAllowZero to 800 set RdtLastDay to 900 set RdtCutoffYear to 1000 Using the Current Date This example initializes a date with today's date. The to-date is a 32-bit integer in CCYYMMDD format (i.e., date type format 15). The DummyDate parameter is a placeholder; it will never be examined by RDTCONVERT because the from-date is today's date. set RdtFromType to RdtToday set RdtToType to RdtI32CCYYMMDD RdtConvert(DummyDate, CurrentDate, RdtControl) if RdtStatus <> 0 ReportDateError Using the Current Date Plus Ten Days This example initializes a date that is ten days in the future. As in the previous example, the to-date is a 32-bit integer in CCYYMMDD format. set RdtFromType to RdtAddDays + RdtToday set RdtToType to RdtI32CCYYMMDD set RdtAuxResult to 10 RdtConvert(DummyDate, CurrentPlusTen, RdtControl) if RdtStatus <> 0 ReportDateError Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - Examples 27 Validate a Date If you wanted, for example, to check a user-specified date to see whether it was valid, use the zero format for the to-type. In this example, the DummyDate variable is again used as a placeholder, but this time it holds the place of the to-date. Because the from-date is not being converted to any to-type, the to-date will never be used by RDTCONVERT. set RdtFromType to RdtX8CCYYMMDD set RdtToType to RdtNone RdtConvert(InputDate, DummyDate, RdtControl) if RdtStatus <> 0 ReportDateError Additional Checking In the previous example, RDTCONVERT checked whether the from-date was valid. In this example, we also check whether the from-date is within a range of days from the current date. To do this, we use the RdtDateRange edit option, in which we must specify the number of days before and after today's date. The format for this option is bbaa where bb is the number of days before and aa is the number of days after the current date. For this example, we assume that we want the from-date to be no less than today's date and no more than 60 days in the future. The RdtDateRange for this check is 0060 (zero days back and 60 days ahead). set RdtFromType to RdtDateRange + RdtX8CCYYMMDD set RdtToType to RdtNone set RdtAuxResult to 0060 RdtConvert(InputDate, DummyDate, RdtControl) if RdtStatus <> 0 ReportDateError Convert a Date SmartDate includes a powerful feature that lets you convert from one date format to another. While doing conversions, SmartDate ensures that the from-date is valid. In this example, we assume the user has entered a date in YYMMDD format. Internally, we 28 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics - Examples store dates in CCYYMMDD 32-bit format (this takes little storage space and ensures that internal dates collate correctly). This example then converts the user-specified date to our internal format, validating it at the same time: set RdtFromType to RdtX6YYMMDD set RdtToType to RdtI32CCYYMMDD RdtConvert(InputDate, DBDate, RdtControl) if RdtStatus <> 0 ReportDateError Using a Cutoff Year in Date Conversions To ensure that all dates are correct, you should always use 4-digit years (e.g., 2001). Unfortunately, many users prefer to enter only 2-digit years. In order to ensure that dates entered after December 31, 2000 are correct, you need to use a cutoff rule for processing 2-digit dates. This example is the same as the previous one, except that a century cutoff rule is applied using the year 1950. In this example, RDTCONVERT assumes 19xx for the century if the year is equal to or greater than 50 (i.e., 500101 is treated as January 1, 1950), and it assumes 20xx for the century when the year is less than 50 (i.e., 010101 is treated as January 1, 2001). set RdtFromType to RdtX6YYMMDD + RdtCutoffYear set RdtToType to RdtI32CCYYMMDD set RdtAuxResult to 50 RdtConvert(InputDate, DBDate, RdtControl) if RdtStatus <> 0 ReportDateError 29 Chapter 5 The Date Program * Help * Registers * Commands * Examples SmartDate includes a program for demonstration and verification. This program is called SDate.Pub.Robelle. The date program allows you to enter dates in a variety of SmartDate formats, to store dates in different internal formats, and to do date arithmetic and date comparisons. After each command, the A and B registers (described below) are formatted into the selected print format and displayed on $stdlist. The date program is command-driven. The command set is very simple, but like SmartDate itself, these commands can be combined in numerous ways. On-Line Help The Help command provides on-line help on both the Date program and the SmartDate intrinsics. To obtain help, type "h" at the command prompt: >>h If you wish to obtain help only about the SmartDate intrinsics, use the Intrinsic keyword with the Help command: >>h intrinsic Registers The date program uses five internal registers; use these registers to store dates or date formats. The name of the register is used in many of the commands. A Register The A register holds a date. By default, the date is stored in date format 15 (32-bit CCYYMMDD). You can change the format of the A register with the "=" command. 30 Chapter 5 The Date Program B Register The B register is another date register. Its default format is the same as the A register. The A and B registers do not have to have the same date format. I Register The I register is the input register. You set the I register to the date format in which you want to enter dates. By default, the I register is set to format 14 (8-byte CCYYMMDD). P Register The P register is the print register. You set the P register to the date format in which you want to print dates. By default, the P register is set to format 5 (12-byte MMM DD, CCYY). Current Date You can refer to the current date with an asterisk (*). In the following example, the current date is assigned to the A register: A=* Commands When you run the date program, it prompts you with ">>." You enter a command by typing its name and parameters. You can enter commands in uppercase or lowercase letters. A Command The A command assigns a value to the A register. B Command The B command assigns a value to the B register. = Command The "=" command is used to assign date formats to specific registers. The various forms of this command are: Chapter 5 The Date Program 31 _ =An Assign date format n to the A register. _ =Bn Assign date format n to the B register. =D+ Print the day of the week when displaying dates. =D- Do not print the day of the week. =In Select the input date format. =Pn Specify the print date format. ? Command The "?" command is used to answer questions about dates. The various forms of this command are: ?A<=* Is the A register less than or equal to today? ?A>B Is the A register greater than the B register? ?A-B Number of days between the A and B registers. ?A:5/10 Is the A register between 5 days before and 10 days after today's date? Examples These examples demonstrate the powerful capabilities of SmartDate. Assignment We start by showing you how to assign dates to the A or B register. a=*-1 {A is assigned yesterday's date} a=19970327 {assign a specific date} a=a+1 {add one day to A} a=b {assign B to A} a=b+10 {add 10 days to B and assign the result to A} b=a-10 {subtract 10 days from A and assign the result to B} a=b@ {set A to last day of the month in B} Questions The following examples show you how to answer questions about the dates in the A and B registers. ?afrom=sdate.doc.robelle;to=mydate.source;new >exit 34 Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - COBOL COBOL Example The following example shows you how to call a COBOL program from SmartDate. This program prompts for a database, a dataset, and a field. It reads the entire dataset, and checks each record to make sure the field you specified has a valid MM/DD/YY date format. $control nolist $control source,errors=10 identification division. program-id. testdate. author. Robyn Rennie, Robelle Consulting Ltd. date-written. March 24th, 1997. security. Copyright Robelle Consulting Ltd 1991-1997. remarks. *********************************************************** * * * testdate - test valid date values. * * * * version: 1.0 * * purpose: * * * * General-purpose program to test for valid dates. * * - this program edits a date field in the format MMDDYY * * checking for valid date values, adds 150 days to the * * date and converts it into a date in the format * * CCYYMMDD * * * *********************************************************** environment division. configuration section. source-computer. hp-3000 series 927. object-computer. hp-3000 series 927. special-names. top is new-page. input-output section. file-control. select line-printer assign to "LINEPRT". data division. file section. fd line-printer data record is line-record. 01 line-record pic x(132). $page "CONSTANTS" working-storage section. 01 true-value pic x value "T". 01 false-value pic x value "F". Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - COBOL 35 $page "VARIABLES" 01 line-count pic s9(4) comp. 01 page-no pic s9(4) comp. 01 input-line pic x(80). 88 answer-spaces value spaces. 01 end-of-db-set-flag pic x value "F". 88 end-of-db-set value "T". 01 in-record-count pic s9(9) comp. 01 in-error-count pic s9(9) comp. 01 display-number pic -zzz,zz9. $page "image area" 01 image-area. 05 db-all-list pic x(2) value "@ ". 05 db-same-list pic x(2) value "* ". 05 db-null-list pic s9(4) comp value 0. 05 db-dummy-arg pic s9(4). 05 db-password pic x(8). 05 db-mode0 pic s9(4) comp value 0. 05 db-mode1 pic s9(4) comp value 1. 05 db-mode2 pic s9(4) comp value 2. 05 db-get-serial redefines db-mode2 pic s9(4) comp. 05 db-mode3 pic s9(4) comp value 3. 05 db-rewind-set redefines db-mode3 pic s9(4) comp. 05 db-get-backwards redefines db-mode3 pic s9(4) comp. 05 db-mode4 pic s9(4) comp value 4. 05 db-get-direct redefines db-mode4 pic s9(4) comp. 05 db-mode5 pic s9(4) comp value 5. 05 db-get-chained redefines db-mode5 pic s9(4) comp. 05 db-mode6 pic s9(4) comp value 6. 05 db-get-previous redefines db-mode6 pic s9(4) comp. 05 db-mode7 pic s9(4) comp value 7. 05 db-get-keyed redefines db-mode7 pic s9(4) comp. 05 db-status-area. 10 db-cond-word pic s9(4) comp. 88 db-stat-ok value zeros. 88 db-end-of-chain value 15. 88 db-begin-of-chain value 14. 88 db-no-entry value 17. 88 db-end-file value 11. 88 db-begin-file value 10. 10 db-stat2 pic s9(4) comp. 10 db-stat3-4 pic s9(9) comp. 10 db-chain-length pic s9(9) comp. 88 db-empty-chain value zeros. 10 db-stat7-8 pic s9(9) comp. 10 db-stat9-10 pic s9(9) comp. $page "db- variables" 36 Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - COBOL 01 db-base. 05 filler pic x(2) value spaces. 05 db-name pic x(26). 01 db-set pic x(16). 01 db-list pic x(80). 01 db-buffer. 05 date-field pic x(08). $page "Smartdate variables" 01 rdt-control. 05 rdt-from-type pic s9(4) comp. 05 rdt-to-type pic s9(4) comp. 05 rdt-aux-result pic s9(4) comp value zeros. 05 rdt-status pic s9(4) comp. 01 out-buf pic x(80). 01 out-buflen pic s9(4) comp value zeros. 01 new-date pic x(18) value spaces. 01 rdt-edit-codes. 05 RdtDaysBetween pic s9(4) comp value 100. 05 RdtDayOfTheWeek pic s9(4) comp value 200. 05 RdtDateRange pic s9(4) comp value 300. 05 Rdt2060 pic s9(4) comp value 400. 05 RdtBeforeToday pic s9(4) comp value 500. 05 RdtFromAfterTo pic s9(4) comp value 600. 05 RdtAddDays pic s9(4) comp value 700. 05 RdtAllowZero pic s9(4) comp value 800. 05 RdtLastDay pic s9(4) comp value 900. 05 RdtCutoffYear pic s9(4) comp value 1000. 01 rdt-from-to-type. 05 RdtToday pic s9(4) comp value 0. 05 RdtNone pic s9(4) comp value 0. 05 RdtX6DDMMYY pic s9(4) comp value 1. 05 RdtX8DD-MM-YY pic s9(4) comp value 2. 05 RdtI32YYMMDD pic s9(4) comp value 3. 05 RdtI16Calendar pic s9(4) comp value 4. 05 RdtX12MMMDDCCYY pic s9(4) comp value 5. 05 RdtX8DDMMMYY pic s9(4) comp value 6. 05 RdtX6MMDDYY pic s9(4) comp value 7. 05 RdtX8MM-DD-YY pic s9(4) comp value 8. 05 RdtX6YYMMDD pic s9(4) comp value 9. 05 RdtI16YYMM pic s9(4) comp value 10. 05 RdtX4YYMM pic s9(4) comp value 11. 05 RdtX6MMMYY pic s9(4) comp value 12. 05 RdtX8YY-MM-DD pic s9(4) comp value 13. 05 RdtX8CCYYMMDD pic s9(4) comp value 14. 05 RdtI32CCYYMMDD pic s9(4) comp value 15. Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - COBOL 37 05 RdtX18DDDMMDDCCYY pic s9(4) comp value 16. 05 RdtX6AAMMDD pic s9(4) comp value 17. 05 RdtXnDDMMCCYY pic s9(4) comp value 18. 05 RdtXnMMDDCCYY pic s9(4) comp value 19. 05 RdtXnCCYYMMDD pic s9(4) comp value 20. 05 RdtX8MMMDDYY pic s9(4) comp value 21. 05 RdtI32YYYMMDD pic s9(4) comp value 22. 05 RdtX6CCYYMM pic s9(4) comp value 23. 05 RdtI32CCYYMM pic s9(4) comp value 24. 05 RdtX4CCYY pic s9(4) comp value 25. 05 RdtI32CCYY pic s9(4) comp value 26. $page "[00] MAINLINE" procedure division. 00-main. perform 05-get-parameters thru 05-get-parameters-exit. if not answer-spaces then perform 10-open-database thru 10-open-database-exit move false-value to end-of-db-set-flag move zeros to in-record-count move zeros to in-error-count perform 20-read-set thru 20-read-set-exit until end-of-db-set or in-error-count > 500 move in-record-count to display-number display "Total records = ", display-number move in-error-count to display-number display "Total errors = ", display-number. perform 90-close-base thru 90-close-base-exit. 00-main-exit. goback. $page "[05] get-parameters" * * Prompt for the database, password, dataset and field list. * 05-get-parameters. perform 05-10-get-database. if not answer-spaces then perform 05-20-get-password if not answer-spaces then perform 05-30-get-dataset if not answer-spaces then perform 05-40-get-field-list. 38 Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - COBOL 05-get-parameters-exit. exit. 05-10-get-database. move spaces to input-line. display "Enter Database Name". accept input-line. move input-line to db-name. 05-20-get-password. move spaces to input-line. display "Enter Database Password". accept input-line. move input-line to db-password. 05-30-get-dataset. move spaces to input-line. display "Enter Dataset Name (must be upper-case)". accept input-line. move input-line to db-set. 05-40-get-field-list. move spaces to input-line. display "Enter @ or Field List (must be upper-case)". accept input-line. move input-line to db-list. $page "[10] init-testread" * * Open the database. * 10-open-database. call "DBOPEN" using db-base db-password db-mode5 db-status-area. if not db-stat-ok then perform 99-fatal-error. 10-open-database-exit. exit. $page "[20] read-set" * * Read all the records in the dataset. * 20-read-set. perform 20-10-get-next. if not end-of-db-set then add 1 to in-record-count perform 20-20-check-dates. Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - COBOL 39 20-read-set-exit. exit. 20-10-get-next. call "DBGET" using db-base db-set db-mode2 db-status-area db-list db-buffer db-dummy-arg. if db-end-file then move true-value to end-of-db-set-flag else if not db-stat-ok then perform 99-fatal-error. 20-20-check-dates. * Check field for invalid date values add 150 days to the date * and convert from MM/DD/YY to CCYYMMDD add RdtAddDays to RdtX8MM-DD-YY giving rdt-from-type move RdtX8CCYYMMDD to rdt-to-type move 150 to rdt-aux-result move 0 to rdt-status. call "RDTCONVERT" using date-field new-date rdt-control if rdt-status of rdt-control <> 0 then add 1 to in-error-count move spaces to out-buf move zeros to out-buflen call "RDTERROR" using rdt-control out-buf out-buflen display date-field " " out-buf. $page "[90] close-base" * * Cleanup by closing the database. * 90-close-base. call "DBCLOSE" using db-base db-dummy-arg db-mode1 db-status-area. if not db-stat-ok then perform 99-fatal-error. 90-close-base-exit. exit. $page "[99] fatal-error" 40 Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - COBOL 99-fatal-error. call "DBEXPLAIN" using db-status-area. goback. Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - Pascal 41 Pascal Example Calling SmartDate from Pascal is more difficult than from other languages because Pascal has tighter type-checking on procedure parameters. The following example is a complete Pascal/iX program that prompts for a date in an MMDDYY format. The program then converts this date to a variety of formats and displays the results. Note that the $check_actual_parm$ setting remains at 2 for the entire program. This is done to prevent parameter type mismatches between SmartDate and Pascal. $list off$ $hp3000_16$ { Sample program showing how to call Robelle's SmartDate routines in Pascal } program example(input,output); const RdtSunday = 1; RdtMonday = 2; RdtTuesday = 3; RdtWednesday = 4; RdtThursday = 5; RdtFriday = 6; RdtSaturday = 7; RdtToday = 0; RdtNone = 0; RdtX6ddmmyy = 1; RdtX8dd_mm_yy = 2; RdtI32yymmdd = 3; RdtI16calendar = 4; RdtX12mmmddccyy = 5; RdtX8ddmmmyy = 6; RdtX6mmddyy = 7; RdtX8mm_dd_yy = 8; RdtX6yymmdd = 9; RdtI16yymm = 10; RdtX4mmyy = 11; RdtX6mmmyy = 12; RdtX8yy_mm_dd = 13; RdtX8ccyymmdd = 14; RdtI32ccyymmdd = 15; RdtX18dddmmmddccyy = 16; RdtX6aammdd = 17; RdtXNddmmccyy = 18; RdtXNmmddccyy = 19; RdtXNccyymmdd = 20; RdtX8mmmddyy = 21; RdtI32yyymmdd = 22; RdtI32ccyymm = 23; RdtX6ccyymm = 24; 42 Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - Pascal RdtI32ccyy = 25; RdtX4ccyy = 26; RdtDaysBetween = 100; RdtDayOfTheWeek = 200; RdtDateRange = 300; Rdt2060 = 400; RdtBeforeToday = 500; RdtFromAfterTo = 600; RdtAddDays = 700; RdtAllowZero = 800; RdtLastDay = 900; RdtCutoffYear = 1000; RdtErrorBadDay = 1; RdtErrorBadMonth = 2; RdtErrorBadYear = 3; RdtErrorBadJulian = 4; RdtErrorDayInMonth = 5; { value 6 is unused } RdtErrorFromtype = 7; RdtErrorTotype = 8; RdtErrorFailed = 9; RdtErrorBadEditnum = 10; RdtErrorMissingDelim = 11; RdtErrorSuprdate2_1 = 12; RdtErrorSuprdate2_2 = 13; RdtErrorSuprdate2_3 = 14; RdtErrorSuprdate2_4 = 15; RdtErrorTooFar = 16; RdtErrorFreeFormat = 17; type TypeRdtConvert = record case shortint of 1: (x6 : packed array[1..6] of char); 2: (x8 : packed array[1..8] of char); 3: (x12: packed array[1..12] of char); 4: (x18: packed array[1..18] of char); 5: (xn : packed array[1..80] of char); 6: (i16: shortint); 7: (i32: integer); end; TypeRdtControl = record fromtype: shortint; totype : shortint; aux : shortint; result : shortint; end; line_type = packed array[1..80] of char; {------------------------------------------------------------} Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - Pascal 43 type dayname_array = packed array[1..12] of char; weekday_array = array[1..7] of dayname_array; const weekday_name = weekday_array[ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ]; var inbuf, outbuf: line_type; {------------------------------------------------------------} $check_formal_parm 2$ $check_actual_parm 2$ procedure rdtconvert( var fromdate, todate : TypeRdtConvert; var rdtcontrol : TypeRdtControl); external spl; procedure RdtError( var rdtcontrol : TypeRdtControl; var buf : line_type; var len : integer); external spl; $check_formal_parm 3$ {------------------------------------------------------------} function get_record( var buf: line_type ): boolean; begin writeln; prompt('Enter a date in mmddyy form: '); get_record := false; readln( buf ); if buf<>'' then get_record := true; end; function validate_date( var inbuf, outbuf: line_type ): boolean; var fromdate, todate : TypeRdtConvert; rdtcontrol : TypeRdtControl; len : integer; begin validate_date := false; outbuf := ' '; strmove( 6, inbuf,1, fromdate.x6,1 ); rdtcontrol.fromtype := RdtX6mmddyy; rdtcontrol.totype := RdtNone; 44 Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - Pascal rdtconvert( fromdate, todate, rdtcontrol ); if rdtcontrol.result=0 then validate_date := true else RdtError( rdtcontrol, outbuf, len ); end; function convert_date( var inbuf, outbuf: line_type ): boolean; var fromdate, todate : TypeRdtConvert; rdtcontrol : TypeRdtControl; len : integer; begin convert_date := false; outbuf := ' '; strmove( 6, inbuf,1, fromdate.x6,1 ); rdtcontrol.fromtype := RdtX6mmddyy; rdtcontrol.totype := RdtX12mmmddccyy; rdtconvert( fromdate, todate, rdtcontrol ); if rdtcontrol.result=0 then begin strmove( 12, todate.x12,1, outbuf,1 ); writeln( 'You entered ', outbuf:12 ); convert_date := true; end else RdtError( rdtcontrol, outbuf, len ); end; function get_weekday( var inbuf, outbuf: line_type ): boolean; var fromdate, todate : TypeRdtConvert; rdtcontrol : TypeRdtControl; len : integer; begin get_weekday := false; outbuf := ' '; strmove( 6, inbuf,1, fromdate.x6,1 ); rdtcontrol.fromtype := RdtX6mmddyy + RdtDayOfTheWeek; rdtcontrol.totype := Rdtnone; rdtconvert( fromdate, todate, rdtcontrol ); if rdtcontrol.result=0 then begin writeln( 'That day is a ', weekday_name[ rdtcontrol.aux ] ); get_weekday := true; Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - Pascal 45 end else RdtError( rdtcontrol, outbuf, len ); end; function add_days( var inbuf, outbuf: line_type ): boolean; var fromdate, todate : TypeRdtConvert; rdtcontrol : TypeRdtControl; len : integer; begin add_days := false; outbuf := ' '; strmove( 6, inbuf,1, fromdate.x6,1 ); rdtcontrol.fromtype := RdtX6mmddyy + RdtAddDays; rdtcontrol.totype := RdtX18dddmmmddccyy; rdtcontrol.aux := 100; rdtconvert( fromdate, todate, rdtcontrol ); if rdtcontrol.result=0 then begin strmove( 18, todate.x18,1, outbuf,1 ); writeln( '100 days from that date, it will be ', outbuf:18 ); add_days := true; end else RdtError( rdtcontrol, outbuf, len ); end; function compare_days( var inbuf, outbuf: line_type ): boolean; var fromdate, todate : TypeRdtConvert; rdtcontrol : TypeRdtControl; len : integer; begin compare_days := false; outbuf := ' '; strmove( 6, inbuf,1, fromdate.x6,1 ); todate.x6 := '010180'; rdtcontrol.fromtype := RdtX6mmddyy + RdtFromAfterTo; rdtcontrol.totype := RdtX6mmddyy; rdtconvert( fromdate, todate, rdtcontrol ); if rdtcontrol.result=0 then begin writeln( 'That date is on or after Jan 1, 1980' ); compare_days := true; end 46 Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - Pascal else if rdtcontrol.result=RdtErrorFailed then begin writeln('That date is before Jan 1, 1980' ); compare_days := true; end else RdtError( rdtcontrol, outbuf, len ); end; function last_day( var inbuf, outbuf: line_type ): boolean; var fromdate, todate : TypeRdtConvert; rdtcontrol : TypeRdtControl; len : integer; begin last_day := false; outbuf := ' '; rdtcontrol.fromtype := RdtToday + RdtLastDay; rdtcontrol.totype := RdtX18dddmmmddccyy; rdtconvert( fromdate, todate, rdtcontrol ); if rdtcontrol.result=0 then begin strmove( 18, todate.x18,1, outbuf,1 ); writeln( 'Your current month-end is ', outbuf:18 ); last_day := true; end else RdtError( rdtcontrol, outbuf, len ); end; function assume_century( var inbuf, outbuf: line_type ): boolean; var fromdate, todate : TypeRdtConvert; rdtcontrol : TypeRdtControl; len : integer; begin assume_century := false; outbuf := ' '; strmove( 6, inbuf,1, fromdate.x6,1 ); rdtcontrol.fromtype := RdtX6mmddyy + RdtCutoffYear; rdtcontrol.totype := RdtX12mmmddccyy; rdtcontrol.aux := 10; { 00..09 are year 2000 } rdtconvert( fromdate, todate, rdtcontrol ); if rdtcontrol.result=0 then begin strmove( 12, todate.x12,1, outbuf,1 ); Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate - Pascal 47 writeln( 'With a century cutoff of 10, the date entered is ', outbuf:12 ); assume_century := true; end else RdtError( rdtcontrol, outbuf, len ); end; {------------------------------------------------------------} procedure report_error( var outbuf: line_type ); begin writeln( '** Error: ', outbuf ); end; begin while get_record(inbuf) do begin if validate_date(inbuf,outbuf) then begin if not convert_date(inbuf, outbuf) then report_error( outbuf ); if not get_weekday(inbuf, outbuf) then report_error( outbuf ); if not add_days(inbuf, outbuf) then report_error( outbuf ); if not compare_days(inbuf, outbuf) then report_error( outbuf ); if not last_day(inbuf, outbuf) then report_error( outbuf ); if not assume_century(inbuf, outbuf) then report_error( outbuf ); end else report_error( outbuf ); end; end. 49 Index 4GLs...............................1 = command..........................30 ? command..........................31 _ A A command..........................30 A register.........................29 accessing SmartDate................7 _ B B command..........................30 B register.........................30 _ C checking dates.....................10 COBOL example for SmartDate........34 commands for the date program......30 condition code.....................9 constants for SmartDate............25 control record for SmartDate.......7 converting.........................9 cutoff year........................11,19,28 _ D date editing.......................17 date examples......................25 date formats.......................12 date program.......................29 documentation......................2 _ E edit options.......................17 editing............................9 error handling.....................7 error messages, SmartDate..........21 examples...........................25,32 examples in the date program.......31 50 Index _ F fourth-generation languages........1 from-date type.....................12 _ G group SL...........................6 _ H help on SmartDate..................29 _ I I register.........................30 input register.....................30 installation.......................3 installing on MPE/iX...............4 installing SmartDate...............3 intrinsics.........................9 introduction to SmartDate..........1 _ J JCW, RobelleCutoffYear.............11 _ M MIT update.........................4 MPE/iX and SmartDate...............5,8 _ P Pascal example for SmartDate.......41 performance........................1 pub SL.............................6 _ R RDTCONVERT intrinsic...............10 RDTERROR intrinsic.................20 registers in the date program......29 Robelle account....................3 RobelleCutoffYear JCW..............11 running SmartDate..................7 Index 51 _ S SDate.Doc.Robelle..................2 SDate.Pub.Robelle..................29 SDateUSL.Pub.Robelle...............4 SDateXL.Pub.Robelle................8 SL, group..........................6 SL, pub............................6 SL, system.........................4,5 SmartDate control record...........7 SmartDate error messages...........21 SysSL.DateJob.Robelle..............4 system SL..........................4,5 system XL file.....................5 _ T to-date type.......................12 _ V valid dates........................10,27 _ W WinHelp............................2 _ X XL file............................5,8 Reader Comment Sheet SmartDate 2.0 User Manual Your opinion of this manual is a valuable resource for helping us improve the quality of our documentation. We invite you to rate the manual in the areas shown below. Name: Date: Company: Position: Address: Phone: Please circle one number for each: Good Average Poor * General organization 1 2 3 * Technical accuracy 1 2 3 * Writing clarity 1 2 3 * Convenience of size and format 1 2 3 * Ease of locating information 1 2 3 * Thoroughness of material 1 2 3 * Quality of examples 1 2 3 Comments and suggestions: (please use reverse, or additional sheets as needed) Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your time and interest. Please send us your comments at one of the numbers or addresses below. Robelle Consulting Ltd. Phone: (604) 582-1700 Fax: (604) 582-1799 Unit 201, 15399-102A Ave. E-mail: Surrey, B.C. Canada V3R 7K1 Web: 1-888-ROBELLE (1-888-762-3553) iii SmartDate User Manual Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to SmartDate MPE V versus MPE/iX...................1 Conditions of use.....................1 Fourth-generation languages (4GLs)....1 Documentation.........................2 Chapter 2 Installing SmartDate Installation procedures...............3 System SL installation................4 User XL installation..................5 Group or Pub SL installation..........5 Pub SL.............................6 Group SL...........................6 Chapter 3 SmartDate Essentials SmartDate control record..............7 Error handling........................7 MPE/iX................................8 Chapter 4 SmartDate Intrinsics Introduction..........................9 RDTCONVERT intrinsic..................10 Date format...........................12 Edit options..........................17 RDTERROR intrinsic....................20 SmartDate error messages..............21 Examples..............................25 iv Contents Chapter 5 The Date Program Help..................................29 Registers.............................29 Commands..............................30 Examples..............................31 Chapter 6 Complete Examples of Calling SmartDate Copying the examples..................33 COBOL example.........................34 Pascal example........................41 Index............................................49