Suprtool Functions

By Neil Armstrong

Suprtool Functions

Over the years we've grown the if/extract function list, to the point where it needs it's own documentation for both the if and extract commands. Functions can be used in both the if and extract commands, however, some functions were sometimes written to either be specifically used in either if or extract, but typically have an application in both.

UC4/Scripting and Functions

UC4 is a scripting/scheduling/job system found on many platforms and is common on HP-UX. It also resolves environment variables for you when it runs your scripts.

Suprtool has a number of functions that require a "$" sign in front of them making them look like variables. This causes an issue with UC4 as it tries to resolve any variables. So if a script has a $lookup in it and $lookup is not a variable then the $lookup is removed, for example what would happen is:

if $lookup(mytable,key)
if (mytable,key)

In order to rectify this all that needs to happen is you "Escape Out" the Environment Variable from being resolved by changing the script to be:

if \$lookup(mytable,key)

When you do this UC4, (and HP-UX for that matter), now knows that the $lookup is not a token that needs to be resolved as an environment variable but the $lookup is a literal.

String/Byte Functions

Suprtool has a number of functions that work on String/Byte type fields. In all cases the target and source of these functions are byte type fields and are treated as strings internally to Suprtool.

$TRIM (Works on byte type fields)

Purpose is to remove spaces from the beginning and the end of a field.

If Usage:
if $trim(last_name) = "ARMSTRONG"

This means that Suprtool will qualify "ARMSTRONG", " ARMSTRONG", " ARMSTRONG" etc.

Extract Usage (target: Byte type fields)
EXT byte_target=$trim(byte_source)
DEF lastname,1,16,byte
EXT lastname=$trim(last_name)
Data Examples Before and After:
ext lastname=$trim(lastname)

$LTRIM (Works on Byte type fields)

Purpose is to remove spaces from the left side of the field.

If Usage:
if $ltrim(first_name) = "NEIL "
Extract Usage (target: Byte type fields)
ext byte_target=$ltrim(byte_source)
DEF lastname,1,16,byte
EXT lastname=$ltrim(last_name)
Data Examples before and after:
ext lastname=$ltrim(lastname)

$RTRIM (Works on Byte type fields)

Purpose is to remove spaces from the right side of the field.

If Usage:
if $rtrim(first_name) = "Neil"
Extract Usage (target: Byte type fields)
extract byte_target=$rtrim(byte_source)
def lastname,1,16,byte
ext lastname=$rtrim(last_name) 
Data Examples:

It is difficult to show what $RTRIM does in a simple instance, however, it is perfect for constructing/merging two separate fields into on as in:

ext fullname=$rtrim(first-name) + " " + $trim(last-name)
Data Result
Neil Armstrong

$UPPER (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose is to make all relevant bytes "Upper" case.

If Usage:
if $upper(first_name) = "NEIL"
Extract Usage (target: Byte type fields)
extract byte-target=$upper(byte-source)
 def lastname,1,16,byte
 ext lastname=$upper(last_name)
Data Examples:
>ext lastname=$upper(lastname)

$LOWER (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose it to make all relevant bytes "Lower" case.

If Usage:
if $lower(first_name)  = "neil"
Extract Usage:
ext byte_target=$lower(byte_source)
 def newfirstname,1,16,byte
 ext newfirstname=$lower(first_name)
Data Examples:
>ext lastname=$lower(lastname)        
LASTNAME        = armstrong

$PROPER (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose is to make the relevant bytes either Upper or Lower Case in an intelligent manner. It will Upshift the first character in a field and anything following a space or dash.

If Usage:
if $proper(first_name) = "Neil"
Extract Usage:
ext byte_target=$proper(byte_source)
def fullname,1,30,byte
ext fullname=$proper(first_name)
Data Examples:
>ext fullname=$proper(fullname)
FULLNAME        = Neil Armstrong

$SPLIT (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose is to extract a string into a byte type field that begins at a certain character instance and ends and a second character instance. Commonly used to reformat name fields and read .CSV files.

If Usage:
Not that commonly used.
Extract Usage:
extract field=$split(field_from,start_pos,instance,end_pos,instance)
define acct-x,1,12,byte
define fullname,1,30
ext acct-x=$split(record,first,",")
ext fullname=$split(record,",",",")
Data Examples:
Source Data of record               acct-x result  
123456789,"Neil Armstrong",435      123456789
Data Examples:
ACCT-X          = 123456789
FULLNAME        = "Neil Armstrong"

$FINDCLEAN (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose is to find any specified character(s) in any byte string fields anywhere in a given byte field.

If Usage:
clean "^10"
if $findclean(e-mail)

Records will qualify if a Line Feed is in the e-mail field.

$CLEAN (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose was to "clean" and remove unwanted characters from any byte-string fields in any point in the field. Typically used to removed un-printable characters from byte fields.

If Usage: (Not commonly used)
clean "N"
if $clean(first_name)=" eil"
Extract Usage:
extract byte_target=$target(byte_source)
clean "N"
set cleanchar " "
extract byte_target=$clean(byte_source)
Data Examples:
Source: Neil
Target:  eil

Example, remove Line Feed from E-mail Address field and shift data to the left:

Clean "^10"
set cleanchar "<null>"
ext e-mail=$clean(e-mail)

$TRANSLATE (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose to translate any character from a byte type field to any defined byte, primarily to obfuscate data and was primarily designed for the extract command,.

If Usage:
translate "A:C"
if $translate(Full_Name)="Neil Crmstrong" { not commonly used }
Extract Usage:
translate "A:C"
translate "B:D"
translate "a:f"
extract New-byte-field=$translate(byte-field)
Data Examples: (Using above code)
Source Data:     Result Data
Barry Armstrong  Dfrry Crmstrong

$JUSTIFYL (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose to Justify the field on the Left side of the byte field.

If Usage:
if $JUSTYIFYL(Full_Name)="Neil Armstrong" 
Extract Usage:
extract NewByteField=$justifyl(byte-field)
Data Examples: (Using above code)
Source Data:         Result Data
  Barry Armstrong    Barry Armstrong

$JUSTIFYR (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose to Justify the field on the Right side of the byte field.

If Usage:
if $JUSTYIFYR(Full_Name)=="@Neil Armstrong" 
Extract Usage:
extract NewByteField=$justifyr(byte-field)
Data Examples: (Using above code)
Source Data:         Result Data
Barry Armstrong               Barry Armstrong

$LEADZEROB (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose to add leading zeroes to a particular field with an option to justify the data

If Usage:
if $LEADZEROB(NUMDATA,J)="0000006" 
Extract Usage:
extract NewNumField=$leadzerob(byte-field,J)
extract NewNumField=$leadzerob(byte-field,N)
Data Examples: (Using above code)
Source Data:         Result Data
      6              0000006
     4               000004

$RESPACE (Works on Byte-type fields)

Purpose to Respace a particular byte field.

If Usage:
if $RESPACE(NAME,J)="Neil Armstrong" 
Extract Usage:
extract NewName=$respace(Name,J)
extract NewName=$respace(Name,N)
Data Examples: (Using above code)
Source Data:             Result Data
  This  is   some data   This is some data
  This  is   some data     This is some data


Purpose is to convert Ebcidic to Ascii, for a byte type field.

Extract Usage:
Extract $etoa(char-field)


Purpose is to convert Ascii to Ebcidic, for a byte type field.

Extract Usage:
Extract $atoe(char-field)
$etoa and $atoe cannot be used in if command, nor do they put a result in a field, they just extract the converted byte-type field.

String Addition

Suprtool is capable of doing string addition, again this is with byte type fields, you can do add various byte type fields together and even the results of various functions from above.

Extract Usage:
extract target_byte_field = byte-field1 + " " + byte-field2
extract FullName = $trim(first_name) + ' ' + $trim(last_name)
extract FullName = $trim(first_name) + ' ' + $trim(last_name)
Data Result:
FULLNAME        = "Neil Armstrong"

Numeric Functions

There are a number of functions that are used to assist and help perform some arithmetic operations.


Purpose is to not round a given result or arithmetic expression or number. Suprtools default behaviour is to round a result, the $truncate function will change that behaviour.

If Usage:
if $truncate((qty * price) / 100 = 100
Extract Usage:
extract new_price=$truncate((qty * price) / 100)


Purpose is to return the absolute value of a given number.

IF Usage:
	if $abs(credit-field)=5000
Extract Usage:
	extract newnum=$abs(credit-amt)


Purpose is to provide a running total for any numeric field and deposit the result into a packed-decimal field.

IF Usage:
	Not commonly used in if
Extract Usage:
define mytotal,1,18,packed
ext mytotal=$total(sales-amount)


Purpose is to provide a running total for any numeric field and deposit the result into a packed-decimal field. The target packed-decimal field is reset to 0 on a control break on the specified sort field.

IF Usage:
Not commonly used.
Extract Usage:
define target,1,18,packed
sort sort-field
ext target=$subtotal(fieldtototal,sort-field)
Example of $TOTAL and $SUBTOTAL
>in file1sd.suprtest
>def mytotal,1,14,packed
>def mysubtotal,1,14,packed
>sort char-field
>ext char-field
>ext int-field
>ext mytotal=$total(int-field)
>ext mysubtotal=$subtotal(int-field,char-field)
CHAR-FIELD      = 11111          INT-FIELD       = 1111
MYTOTAL         = 1111
MYSUBTOTAL      = 1111

CHAR-FIELD      = 22222          INT-FIELD       = 2222
MYTOTAL         = 3333
MYSUBTOTAL      = 2222

CHAR-FIELD      = 22222          INT-FIELD       = 2222
MYTOTAL         = 5555
MYSUBTOTAL      = 4444

CHAR-FIELD      = 33333          INT-FIELD       = 3333
MYTOTAL         = 8888
MYSUBTOTAL      = 3333

CHAR-FIELD      = 33333          INT-FIELD       = 3333
MYTOTAL         = 12221
MYSUBTOTAL      = 6666

CHAR-FIELD      = 33333          INT-FIELD       = 3333
MYTOTAL         = 15554
MYSUBTOTAL      = 9999


Purpose is to provide a running counter starting from 1, and the target/result field is a double integer.

IF Usage:
Not commonly used.
Extract Usage:
define mycounter,1,4,double
ext mycounter=$counter


Purpose is to provide a running counter starting from 1, and the target/result field is a double integer. The counter is reset when the control-break occurs on the specified sort field.

IF Usage:
Not commonly used
Extract Usage:
define mysubcount,1,4,double
sort customer-no
ext mysubcount=$subcount(customer-no)
Examples for $counter and $subcount:
in file1sd.suprtest
def mycount,1,4,double
define mysubcount,1,4,double
sort char-field
ext char-field
ext mycount=$counter
ext mysubcount=$subcount(char-field)
CHAR-FIELD      = 11111          MYCOUNT         = 1

CHAR-FIELD      = 22222          MYCOUNT         = 2

CHAR-FIELD      = 22222          MYCOUNT         = 3

CHAR-FIELD      = 33333          MYCOUNT         = 4

CHAR-FIELD      = 33333          MYCOUNT         = 5

CHAR-FIELD      = 33333          MYCOUNT         = 6


When the target of an extract conversion is a packed or display- type field, Suprtool always converts positive values to a neutral number. To ensure that expressions with positive values have a positive result, use the $signed function:

IF Usage:
Not commonly used:	
Extract Usage:
	extract packed-field=$signed(int-field)
	extract display_field=$signed(dbl-field / 10)


Used to add leading zeroes to a display field, with an option to justify the numbers or not.

IF Usage:
if $leadzeroz(display,J)=6
Extract Usage:
def dispnum,1,8,display
extract dispnum=$leadzeroz(display,J)
 extract dispnum=$leadzeroz(display,N)
Data Examples:(Using above code)
Source Data:         Result Data
      6              00000006
     4               000004

Arithmetic Operations

 + - * / mod 

Suprtool has the ability to perform any and all Arithmetic functions on numeric fields.

If Usage:
if sales-total <> (sales_qty * unit_price) + sales_tax
Extract Usage:
ext sales-total=(sales_qty * unit_price) + sales_tax



Purpose is to convert a freeform number, to a number that can be put into an actual numeric field. The target must be numeric and the source field must be a display type field, even though it can have non numeric characters in it.

If Usage:
if $number(disp-field)=500
Extract Usage:
define disp-field,byte-field,display  {define byte as display with same length}
define newdouble,1,4,double
ext newdouble=$number(disp-field)
Data Examples:
	$5.00  ---> 500

Notes: Suprtool will try and match the decimal places of the defined by the item command of the numeric target to the decimal places in the actual data and handle the data properly. For example if the target field has an item command definition of two decimal places, Suprtool will handle the data Raw data accordingly:

	Raw Data     Result of $number
	5.1             5.10
	5.123           5.12
	5.139           5.14


Purpose is to format a number or byte-string field to a particular format using an editmask similar to the syntax found in Cobol into a target byte-type field. Primarily designed to help format data for list and/or reports.

If Usage:
if $edit(somefield,"$$$$.99-")="$5.00" {Not commonly used}
Extract Usage:
ext byte-field=$edit(dbl-field,"$$$$.99-")
ext byte-field=$trim($edit(dbl-field,"$$$$.99-")) 
Data Examples:
      500      $5.00

Other Functions


Purpose is to determine if a key value has been loaded into memory with options to reference associated data.

If Usage:

if $lookup is capable of determining if a key value exists and also compare against a field specified with the data field.

table tablename,key,file,filename
if $lookup(tablename,key)
table tablename,key,file,filename,data(data-field)
if $lookup(tablename,key,data-field) = inputsrcdatafield
Extract Usage:
table tablename,key,file,filename,data(data-field)
extract target-field=$lookup(tablename,key,data-field)


Purpose is to return true or false if an Oracle field has Nullness.

open oracle suprtest suprpass
select * from file1
if $null(somefield)


Purpose is to expand the command line limit for an if command beyond 256 characters.

If Usage:
if $read
-number=1 and
-number=3 and


Used to reference the input record number for a given input source.

IF Usage:
if char-field="55555" and $inrecnum=123
Extract Usage:
def recnum,1,4,double
extract recnum=$inrecnum

Date Functions


Purpose is to determine the current date.

If Usage:
If date-field=$today(-1)
if date-field=$today
Extract Usage:
ext target-date=$today
The date-field and target-date must be defined as having a particular date format (item command) and in a proper container for that particular date type.


Purpose is to determine a given date.

If Usage:
if date-field=$date(*/*/*)
Extract Usage:
ext date-field=$date(*/*/*)
Date-field must be defined as having a particular date format (item command) and in a proper container


Purpose is to determine if a given date is valid or not.

If Usage:
item check-date,date,ccyymmdd
if $invalid(check-date)
Extract Usage: Not typically used in extract.


Purpose is to convert from any supported Suprtool date in any container to CCYYMMDD in a double integer container. For date formats with only two digit years Suprtool will look at the value of Set Date Cutoff in order to determine what century to convert it to, whether it be 19 or 20.

If Usage:
item my-yymmdd-date,date,yymmdd
if $stddate(my-yymmdd-date) = 20141213
Extract Usage:
item my-yymmdd-date,date,yymmdd
define new-ccyymmdd-date,1,4,double
ext new-ccyymmdd-date=$stddate(my-yymmdd-date)


Purpose is to convert any supported Suprtool date to a number of days since 4713BC or Julian Day format. Main purpose in if is to compare two dates and get the diffference. Main purpose in extract is to typically transform a date to be so many days away from the current date value.

If Usage:
if ($days(entry-date) - $days(order-fulfill-date)) >=30
Extract Usage:
extract new-date=$stddate($days(entry-date) + 10)


Purpose is to convert convert a data to a number of months in the future or past.

If Usage:
item mydate,date,ccyymmdd
if $month(mydate,3) = 20170412
Extract Usage:
item mydate,date,ccyymmdd
define new-ccyymmdd-date,1,4,double
ext new-ccyymmdd-date=$month(mydate,3)


Purpose is to convert any supported Suprtool date to a number of days since 4713BC or Julian Day format. Main purpose in if is to compare two dates and get the diffference. Main purpose in extract is to typically transform a date to be so many days away from the current date value.

If Usage:
if ($days(entry-date) - $days(order-fulfill-date)) >=30
Extract Usage:
extract new-date=$stddate($days(entry-date) + 10)